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US 1377 - Hacker killed everyone in the server instantly

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Me and two of my friends were sniping people in Elektro (don't hate me). We saw this guy getting chased by zombies so we watched him for a bit to see what he was gonna do. He was getting overwhelmed when some black guy with a hatchet ran to his back. Whilst the guy was getting killed by zombies, the black guy chopped him with the hatchet and killed him. Then I shot the black guy with my sniper rifle, he died in 1 shot (used an as50). I got a bandit kill and according to the death message it was a guy called -.- . After we shot him he died again, just all of a sudden within a second which isn't possible because the respawn button is disabled. After he died he died again and the entire server followed, all of the server got killed by that guy and his script. Lost our gear and everything but that's not the point.

It happened on:

DayZ - US 1337 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [VETERAN][GMT-8] dayzmod.com - Hosted by Demize | dayzhosting.com


0:41 (+1 GMT) on the 9th of August 2012



The first time he got killed was by my sniper. Then he suddenly got killed again a second later. Me and my friends were talking on TS like 'wtf, he got killed again?'. A second later he killed the entire server including himself.

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I can confirm this as I am one of his friends that were playing with him when this situation occured. Harkink took out that one guy named ''-.-'', and suddenly he died again. Next think you know, the whole server dies including us and our other friend.

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