Panzer (DayZ) 0 Posted May 27, 2012 First of all thanks to rocket and the team for a great mod with a LOAD of potential.Now we all know about the way things are going in zombieland at the moment, its basically shoot first or die, this is mostly because players dont really need each other, u can suvive pretty easily on your own if u are smart and the zombies are more of a nuisance than in any way frightening unless of course u are stupid and draw a horde down on your head.(which i love)The way i see this is that the zombies are just too easy to deal with and so when u see another player, instead of thinking 'oh thank god another human being to help me survive' u think 'woohoo free loot'. If zombies were a REAL threat instead of the inconvenience they are now then you would see more random grouping of players and so more teamwork, being a bandit and preying on survivors would have to be a calculated decision instead of the easiest route.I say make ALL zombies at least twice as hard to kill eg 6 rounds from mak or 2 rounds from 1911 You could leave headshots as instant kill. This would this make rolling in teams more important ie. if 2 of u are shooting then u bring them down quicker thus less chance of injury, u can still lone wolf but it is a hell of a lot harder.Another thing is we need some way to get name tags to only show up at short range, no using ur mouse wheel to see someone at 500m, but we need to be able to identify other players, so u see a guy with with the tag 'Allurbeanzrbelong2Us' then u might have a little distrust :P but it also make communicating a bit easier.Just my thoughts.keep on truckin Pz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OperationDayZ 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Not atm, because the zombies AI is already hard and unpredictable with lag movements. To increase their health even more is just too much.As long as those are fixed I would agree, but then more ammo drops will have to be found. Too much zombie chases, very hard to outrun them and the hordes grow. Your ammo will just instantly get depleted and you'll be running around the entire game.Run or die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted May 27, 2012 It's very easy to just HS them, giving them more HP won't change much in all honesty (aside from giving people better aim I guess). I believe that numbers is the only way to make them more threatening.Just my 2c Share this post Link to post Share on other sites