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Arma 2 Combined Operations won't start Up

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Arma 2 Beta Patch Installation - STEAM

I dont know my friend did it.

Dayz + Arma 2 Beta Patch Installation - ALL VERSIONS

I dont know my friend did it.

Worrom's DayZ Install Tool

Whenever I used to launch A2OA/A2CO the command prompt started then closed then a little loading box appears. Now the loading box never appears and I it never opens... It worked last night at like 1 am (8:00 PM right now)

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Just use six-launcher. If your technically savvy then do it manually otherwise use the supported Dayz tool first before asking for help.

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Are you running STEAM as administrator? Most of the problem with the Arma STEAM version I read are solved with running it as admin.

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I don't even know what that means. This is the only way ive ever used and know how to


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Yes I am running as administrator.

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Just use six-launcher. If your technically savvy then do it manually otherwise use the supported Dayz tool first before asking for help.

Will this delete my character data?

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Will this delete my character data?

No don't worry, as long as you don't change your cd key your character will be the same. The character data is not stored in the client (your computer), the servers you connect to, are at the same time connected to a main server, that's where the char data is stored.

Just download and install Six Updater from http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html That will install both Six Launcher and Six Updater.

Then run Six Launcher, try joining a server, and if the dayz mod or beta patch needs to be updated the software will do it for you and then join the server.

Edited by sebastian.w

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Do you know why it would suddenly stop working?

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That says bad serial number given ***

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well thnis sucks

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I need you guys help, i just downloaded arma 2 and arrow head. i played arma 2 but it was very slow. i started updating and installing and uploading stuff that i thought was getting me day-z. im half way through the process but i hit a snag. i have six launcher and six updater installed. I have day-z commander installed. i accidently started all of this before starting arrow head because i fought it would lag. i now get something called failure to connect to key server. im am not good with computer at all but i keep getting other messages like something about a CD drive? it wont connect to arma 2 arrow head, only arma 2. it also wont connect to day-z. im so far deep in programs that im about to launch my computer across the room> URGENT HELP.

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