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"Lost" Alice

What are your thoughts on removing the respawn?

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I hope that this isn't a repeat thread, I swear I did a search and didn't find anything.

I know they took away respawn a while ago, but having taken breaks from Day Z here and there, this is still a pretty new subject for me.

I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on removing the respawn, I'm genuinely curious to know what people around the community think, and how this has affected their game play.

I like that it helps a lot with immersion, It dampens the high-risk/High-reward factor people get for sprinting in and out of cherno. At least for me, knowing I cannot respawn if any little thing goes wrong makes me value my current life even more. It's also really interesting that it's pretty much forcing people to actually commit suicide if they want to respawn. I personally hate having to walk off a building or bridge, or let myself be killed by zombies; I know it's just a video game, but it's still kind of jarring on some level.

Currently the only downside I see to this is not being able to respawn until I'm with my friends. It's very annoying, but I've gotten used to coast running, so It's not a terrible issue for me. I think I also read a comment way back about potentially allowing people to commit suicide with their own firearms? That's crazy, haha, having to click the mouse to pull the trigger on yourself.

Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on the subject.

Edited by "Lost" Alice

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Good for the overall experience. Bad from a competitive aspect.

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Good for the overall experience. Bad from a competitive aspect.

Competitive ? where do you see that in Dayz?

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I don't really care cause so far I only played alone, but I can see how it's a bit annoying when you try to meet with friend in-game, but I remember watching an interview with Rocket where he said they are working on group features so a group can spawn all in the same location, so hopefully we will get that soon,

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Good for game, good for you, good for me, good for hackers, good for all!

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The main reason they did it was because everyone was spamming it and it caused lag on the servers. It hasn't really changed anything for me apart from the the servers are smoother and I don't keep having to see the same message (SHITHEAD HAS DIED) every 2 seconds because SHITHEAD want's to spawn near Cherno to shoot his friends.

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I think it is a great idea, a better fit for the DayZ "experience".

There are some situations though where lack of respawn is causing some grief, be nice if those were addressed.

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The main reason they did it was because everyone was spamming it and it caused lag on the servers. It hasn't really changed anything for me apart from the the servers are smoother and I don't keep having to see the same message (SHITHEAD HAS DIED) every 2 seconds because SHITHEAD want's to spawn near Cherno to shoot his friends.

Ah! I was wondering why the gameplay seemed so much smoother.

and I didn't know that the constant respawning was lagging servers,

that certainly makes sense though.

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Bonus of realism, downside of some lost enjoy-ability.

Not being able to spam spawn to meet friends is a downside or if a hacker ports you somewhere in the middle of no mans land you're essentially stuck making the run without an option.

Though I like the fact that no everyone is just around Cherno or Elektro automatically. They may decide to check out another town first or at least see something beyond those two places before they throw themselves at zombies..

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In my opinion its quite bad because now citys like Komarovo, Kamenka and Kamyshovo are full of dead fresh spawned people..And i think there is no difference between all the corpses on the beach and the citys...When you spawn at a location where you not want to spawn you die with respawn button or zombies...for me the change was very senseless

Edited by Kiramisu

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i´d say, just deal with it. no matter were you spawn make the best out of it. it is stupid to kill yourself till you find yourself near cherno or elektro.

so long Rudson.

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The main reason they did it was because everyone was spamming it and it caused lag on the servers. It hasn't really changed anything for me apart from the the servers are smoother and I don't keep having to see the same message (SHITHEAD HAS DIED) every 2 seconds because SHITHEAD want's to spawn near Cherno to shoot his friends.

Yes, I believe having too many dead bodies on the server caused lag. Since they removed the respawn button I haven't seen that problem.

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I *DO* sort of miss running down the coast and finding 3-5 dead bodies of fresh spawns and taking their bandages and pain killers, I felt like a medic before I even got any gear! ^.^

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I've not died since the update, so I haven't had any need to use the button.

I did break my legs up on "That Mountain" a few days ago, but the Reddit Rescue Force came and healed me up.

I'm not too concerned about it either way, I used it to get a better spawn maybe once, but for the most part it makes no difference to me where I spawn.

Edited by Cyanyde

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You can still respawn if you brake your legs so if your really desperate to be somewhere else then just jump off of something or let the Zeds eat you. It's just to discourage the spawn spammers so it can only be a good thing in my book.

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Can you be normal and use the default coloring?

Your are like that "Monster" kid who keeps spamming with pink

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Can you be normal and use the default coloring?

Your are like that "Monster" kid who keeps spamming with pink

No! :D

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Competitive ? where do you see that in Dayz?

Apparently youve never been in a clan battle on this game.

They are quite fun, especially when the other team keeps spawning in others to help out.

These battles went on for hours sometimes.

I've been part of two.

It is just for bragging rights but the experience is unlike anything I've experienced in a game. The confusion, the adrenaline, the friendly fire (heh)...

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I hate it. Mainly because you're still going to kill yourself if you spawn in the wrong place. If anything it's just more frustrating without a team to pick you up.

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Well, it's good that people can't just spawn and say "Kamenka? Nope, not this time" and instantly spawn. The downside is that people who spawn there and don't want to be there are still going to find the fastest way to kill themselves and do it anyway.

Of course, there's also the "find a guy on the coast who is nowhere near any zombie spawns, break his legs, bandage him, surround him with barbed wire, and let him sit there as a broken husk of a survivor with no power over his own life" factor. That's always a negative.

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It sucks. But, like the above poster said, What's to stop me from just pulling "zombie suicide". Which is what we are currently doing. Who wants to spawn in Kamenka. Unless, you plan on just running the deer stand route towards NWAF.

To each their own. There are times where friends and I don;t have much time to play together. We are naturally going to resort to that quickest way possible to meet up.

Edited by Wallberot

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I've never used the respawn thingie, so... It's okay

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