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Need help

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So,i'm gonna be straight with you,even if you're a bandit just reading survivors' posts to find victims :P

I'm in a clan,in a group of 6-7 guys,i was afk for a while and now i'm far away from them.They're doing ok,so i decided to have some "me time" in dayz,try to survive by my own and stuff.So i spawn after i die,and i'm going straight to electro.For some reason i found a car next to the coast,it was in good condition but low in fuel.I dont know if someone left it there and left to find fuel or someone parked and was nearby,but i just took it :P.I stayed on the road since i just spawned,and i had some fun,when the fuel was almost done i hide the car in some bushes.I was so lucky and i found a beartrap,my first in the game,so i placed it next to the car.blah blah i left to find a jerry can.Some minutes later i found a warehouse,a jerry can inside,a lot of zombies around,i crawled and avoided them,took the jerry can but i saw a survivor running to my spot,i was unarmed so i just run out shouting friendly.he was a fresh spawn too so we just ran together away from the zombies..blah blah,we got lost in the woods,we were running for A LOOOONG time and we found ourselfs at zelenogorsk :P i looted the store while he looted the barn,i found 3 lee enfields and secondaries,i took them and while i was going to give him a secondary he shot me with a bow -.- i killed him with the enfield,bandaged and headed to the gas station.there,i found out i couldnt refill the jerry can :@ i was at 5000 blood,zombies attacked,i passed out and disconnected out of rage :P i dont give a fuck bout my equipment,so if you decide to kill me,go ahead,i'm already at 1000 blood xD

I just posted here to ask for help.I need blood and morphine.I'd like to refil the jerry can and go to the car,so if any of you decides to help me,we can share a car.I dont have something important or rare,just a makarov & a revolver,both with 7-8 mags.i can also give to you my enfield,i can loot the town anytime.So let's make it clear.I ask for help,i need someone to save me,give me blood and morphine,and then head to the car.also,we can do it in another way,just come to my place,let me die,take my stuff and then meet me at the coast where i respawn,give me a gun,i have 2 secondaries as i mentioned,and head with me to the car.you can even keep it,but only if you give me a ride north :P my plan was to drive it north,as far as it could go and then just leave it and walk,but it was too low on fuel and i just couldn't leave it without trying :P

my post is already too long so if you're interested post here or pm me.i dont care if you are playing the game for months or you just got it,i just need help and someone to play with afterwards!i know that you dont trust me and may think it's a trap,so pm me to discuss it more and make a deal :P

or post here and i'll pm you

Edit:I know you can just let me die and take my stuff and leave,but if you help me the price is a fuly functional car without fuel :P

Edited by Ereveton

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Dude I have like 3 or 4 blood packs and I need some to where do you want to meet?

sent you a msg

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