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For all "NEW" players! Our server is getting a reset so all Vehicles will be Respawnd

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Hi all,

Because of a "fixxed"payment issue my server will have a full reset. I Payed the server, but the money was transferd to an other server so they blocked mine. It's all fixxed now and will never happen again, but that meens my server will have a compleet RESET! We have a solid player base already, but with this happening that meens that all cars,bike,helicopters will be respawned for you all to loot! So if you are looking for a Cool new server This is you moment to check it out!!\

The server will be back live in +- 1 hour!! So keep an eye out for :

FR191 - Surviving the Horror

We also have teamspeak for people who like to chat while ingame!

Teamspeak info :

Me and my team will be there most of the time and if you have any question relating to the game you can always ask us.

There is also an option on this TeamSpeak to get your own channel for you and your friends for free! you just have to ask me on TS.

Hope you all have a great time and goodluck surviving

//[sTH] smKes

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We have still an issue i don't know what they did but it seems like they transfered my account to an other TAG.. so i am doing all i can to get it back i'll keep you guys updated

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Free bump for a server that has an associated teamspeak. I feel thats the only way to foster any sort of communication in this game.

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Stuck at loading screen for me. But sounds like a good server to be a part of.

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