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3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

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Heh, BattleEye seems to have stepped up its game! Some tears from a website that shall remain nameless:

Now those tears, those tears mmmm mmmmm MMMMH! are so damn sweet man.

Edited by HanoverFist
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I got a global ban today and absolutely have not ever touched any hacks or scripts or anything of the sort.

I am at a loss right now...I feel like I've had money stolen from me. I only registered on the forums today to see if anyone else was in the same boat. There is a whole thread on reddit where people are saying the same thing.


This needs to be looked into. This many legit players being banned - something has got to be wrong with battle eye. It's almost laughable...you go play the game and it's goddamn infested with hackers and then legit players get banned.

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I got a global ban today and absolutely have not ever touched any hacks or scripts or anything of the sort.

I am at a loss right now...I feel like I've had money stolen from me. I only registered on the forums today to see if anyone else was in the same boat. There is a whole thread on reddit where people are saying the same thing.


This needs to be looked into. This many legit players being banned - something has got to be wrong with battle eye. It's almost laughable...you go play the game and it's goddamn infested with hackers and then legit players get banned.

Yes as them saying they are legitimate players, automatically makes them legitimate.

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Seems a bit faulty I was watching the live stream of Dayz Rocket interview by Machinima and they got global banned and they weren't even hacking. How could you prove you weren't hacking to BattleEye??

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Seems a bit faulty I was watching the live stream of Dayz Rocket interview by Machinima and they got global banned and they weren't even hacking. How could you prove you weren't hacking to BattleEye??

Yeah. The amount of bullshit there.... The pile.

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@unhap that sucks, I suggest you write a well worded email to BattlEye support to see if they will look into it for you. Follow the instructions here on your best chance for your case to be reviewed.

Besides that, let's not blow it out of proportion by saying "This many legit players being banned" just yet as we don't know all the facts. I think the affected people should be making noise, but directing it constructively at BattlEye, who knows, maybe there is a problem and it's obvious once they get enough people to inform them how to reproduce it.

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i received a message "global ban" while logging into a server once but i can still play

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No, Battleye is a piece of shit. My whole squad got killed by a hacker before we could take him out, and I went back and looted his body and got Global Banned. I have absolutley no idea why. Battleye needs to fix their shit, and start banning people who are ACTUALLY hacking. There are still plenty of hackers out there.

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And to the above poster, I'm sorry to hear that, but collateral damage happens in every 'war'. The good thing is Arma is cheap - just buy another copy & hope it doesnt happen again.

OH WOOOW! He didn't even do anything and got banned and you just say deal with it, go buy another copy... Sick as fuck!

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