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I am interested in buying a server, can someone please help me?

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DONT !!!!!!!! i thought it was a good idea i hosted a server payed for it then rocket tied all admins hands behind our backs and whiped us where as before we could atleast ban players that were hacking if you can see there player name ofcourse but now that only option has been removed ah the awsome power of kick is all that remains , and unless your willing to sit in the loby and repeatadly kick ofending players then your humped Admins have less power than the hackers we trying to combat nope i like many others am closeing my server at the end of the month unless this crap is fixed and admins stop being castrated for the sins of a few Hacking admin fuckers

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DONT !!!!!!!! i thought it was a good idea i hosted a server payed for it then rocket tied all admins hands behind our backs and whiped us where as before we could atleast ban players that were hacking if you can see there player name ofcourse but now that only option has been removed ah the awsome power of kick is all that remains , and unless your willing to sit in the loby and repeatadly kick ofending players then your humped Admins have less power than the hackers we trying to combat nope i like many others am closeing my server at the end of the month unless this crap is fixed and admins stop being castrated for the sins of a few Hacking admin fuckers

Where are you getting your information?

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from experience of having players i ban keep coming back onto the server and having to sit there in the lobby and manuly kick them 17 times before they got the hint ,

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Where are you getting your information?

I think he's referring (badly) to the server admin rules.

To the OP, review the server admin rules in these forums and make sure they are for you. I can only recommend GamingDeluxe (http://www.gamingdeluxe.co.uk) as they have been really good to us.

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from experience of having players i ban keep coming back onto the server and having to sit there in the lobby and manuly kick them 17 times before they got the hint ,

If they are hacking and you have evidence just ban them through the bans.txt file. It sounds like your RCON program is at fault here.

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If youd like to rent a server check my sig, but if i were you theres no point. Ive had mine 2 months and its not getting renewed, to many hackers ruin the game and we cant do anything about it. Basicly the only power you have over your server is start/stop/restart, is that really worth £40-£50 a month??? to me now i know what i know the answer is NO. You get the same amount of enjoyment on other servers if not more as you dont have to constantly troll through big 4Gb log files that you need proper software to open as word/notepad etc wont open a file that big, to see if a cheater ran a script. on other servers you do not have to worry about people leaving your server due to hackers.

But good luck if you choose to rent a server.

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I think he's referring (badly) to the server admin rules.

To the OP, review the server admin rules in these forums and make sure they are for you. I can only recommend GamingDeluxe (http://www.gamingdeluxe.co.uk) as they have been really good to us.

If youd like to rent a server check my sig, but if i were you theres no point. Ive had mine 2 months and its not getting renewed, to many hackers ruin the game and we cant do anything about it. Basicly the only power you have over your server is start/stop/restart, is that really worth £40-£50 a month??? to me now i know what i know the answer is NO. You get the same amount of enjoyment on other servers if not more as you dont have to constantly troll through big 4Gb log files that you need proper software to open as word/notepad etc wont open a file that big, to see if a cheater ran a script. on other servers you do not have to worry about people leaving your server due to hackers.

But good luck if you choose to rent a server.

New rules here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/


11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

12. You are permitted to kick or ban for hate speech, including racism and homophobia.

All kick or ban actions must be reported in the forums under section

13. You are permitted to kick or ban for ongoing severe hacking that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way.

All kick or ban actions must be reported in the forums under section

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take a look at all the rules us as admins have to follow JUST for the privalige to pay money to run a server only to have it hacked every day

where are the rules stateing Hackers will be located by battleeye and permanatly banned from using arma 2 online OH wait there isnt as battleye dosent work and every hacker

simply uses a bypass script and then ruins the servers that we as admins pay for our of our own pocket No FUCK this im taking part in the shutdown of servers on the 17th 18th and 19th

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I've got to be honest, I've banned a lot of people off our servers, I missed this bit of the updated rules:

All kick or ban actions must be reported in the forums under section http://dayzmod.com/f...heat-reporting/

I think this is where we have a problem. I've only had 3 people question me (privately by PM) about why they were banned off the servers. Now, all the other may have just sucked it up and gone to play somewhere else, as these are only local bans. However, it is a big enough job parsing the cheat files, checking them against the player list, verifying the use of a cheat script, copying them into a format that they can used on the servers - then physically uploading them and restarting.

It may not sound like a lot, but across 3 servers, generating 50-75mb files every day, it's quite a work load. I'm not wiling just to let our servers go unchecked, but I can live without creating a post for every person I ban.

Furthermore, as stated on numerous occasions, we have no private server admins forum - I really hate the thought of posting script names in a public forum. I know a Google search can pull up most information users would need, but anything that can keep script names away from people who are curious, I believe is a good thing.

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