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Small group looking to add more

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Currently have 3 of us that play regularly, 1 other who is on and off. We are all RL friends and live on the west coast. Looking for a couple more people to run and gun with us. Add me on steam (Cduck305) or inbox me on here. We are all 18+ and want to add a couple more mature players to the group. Skype is our voice chat source. We are still noobies ( got the game about a week ago ) but have caught on pretty quick. Currently have a lame camp location and some decent gear.

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experienced player on east coast. died recently by a bandit group with 897 zombie kills to my name, took a break looking for a group. got skype- jj_jenkins12345 can play almost anytime any day

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Experienced player, 17 years old. Skype: dolanplz

I have a dedicated teamspeak server if you're interested.

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experienced player on est time looking for grp, play daily skype phil.aucoin

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Just giving everyone a heads up because I forgot to mention it, we are on a private hive meaning you will be starting out with a new character. Also we are super picky about our teammates. If I have not responded to you yet its easiest to reach me through steam.

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somewhat new player, 18, us central time. just looking for a group that I can play with. I got dencent gear

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Add me: I've made a similar thread and have a few friends as well, it may benefit us all to group up together just to always have people up and playing.

Skype: Tomjuan10 Steam: Post Apocalyptic

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