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Invisible item in pack crashing game.

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Date/Time: May 26, 2012

What happened: I logged in today and found an invisible item in my pack taking up one slot. I know better to not pick up invisible items, so I don't know how it got in there. When I go to click on it to drop it my game crashes. Simply clicking this item, what ever it is, crashes my game almost instantly.

Where you were: In a forest by Novy Sobor.

What you were doing: picking up gear when I noticed the blank slot in my bag.

*Current installed version: The most current.

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 4, it's in my bag on other servers also.

*Timeline of events before/after error: Spot invisible item in bag, click item, instant crash.

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Date/Time: May 26' date=' 2012

What happened: I logged in today and found an invisible item in my pack taking up one slot. I know better to not pick up invisible items, so I don't know how it got in there. When I go to click on it to drop it my game crashes. Simply clicking this item, what ever it is, crashes my game almost instantly.

Where you were: In a forest by Novy Sobor.

What you were doing: picking up gear when I noticed the blank slot in my bag.

*Current installed version: The most current.

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 4, it's in my bag on other servers also.

*Timeline of events before/after error: Spot invisible item in bag, click item, instant crash.


Not to question your knowledge of the game, i am just trying to help you figure things out, so i have to make sure. Are you sure its not an item that takes up multiple bag slots, I.E. Pile of Wood(2 slots), jerry can, scrap metal, any other car parts. It would still be an error that clicking on the other used slot crashes your game, but if this is the case, you can drop the item by clicking on the item itself, and it will free up both slots.

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