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Looking for a Friendly survivor

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Hey there, I'm looking for a friendly survivor, because im always getting killed sooner or later because i ran out of blood cause of zombies or getting shot by bandits and it would be alot more fun to play DayZ with someone rather than alone. I'm looking for a friendly survivor who: Will bandage me if I'm bleeding, will guard Me when I'm looting, will share the loot with Me, will help Me with blood transfering And most important of them all is going to be my friend :) (I will do the same to you)

Here are some facts about me: I'm 16 years old, I live in Finland, My username is Aporis in DayZ, I speak pretty good english, My timezone is GMT +2 and I have been playing DayZ for 3 weeks And i am one of the good guys who dont open fire at random people


So here are the criters you need to fill:

-Steam or Skype.

-Microphone IF you want to voice chat.

-DayZ (ofcourse :P)

-age 15+

-You need to be from Europe or from East US

Well i guess thats it private message me your details, or you can type them in here, i will check them soon.

When you message me.

Tell me: Your Username, Where do you live, What is your timezone, your age, and your skype or steam or both.

Thank you, best wishes your friend Aporis

Edited by Aporiz

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We all have mics and our own murmur...

Ages range from 14 - 30...

We're quite serious though and we use a strict chain of command, our application process is also quite lengthy but we could probably have it done in an hour and a half or so if you apply now,

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I'm sorry but I'm not currently joining any clans i just need one friendly :)

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Hey I am looking for a partner too.

I am 16

In the western US, but I can play on mostly a lot of servers

I have a mic

Skype: SkidmarksParks

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There goes a friendly now ----------> *BANG*..sorry..he his gone now. I will keep my eye for a friendly for you mate.. good luck

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People who are reading this you can still tell me your details.

I havent decided yet witch one i should pick, currently only having a clan recruiter, and west US player (sorry i only take people from East US) Please Europeans and Eastern US players type your details! :o

Edited by Aporiz

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I play on western US so I can't really help, best of luck to you though. ^^

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Hey there, I'm looking for a friendly survivor, because im always getting killed sooner or later because i ran out of blood cause of zombies or getting shot by bandits and it would be alot more fun to play DayZ with someone rather than alone. I'm looking for a friendly survivor who: Will bandage me if I'm bleeding, will guard Me when I'm looting, will share the loot with Me, will help Me with blood transfering And most important of them all is going to be my friend :) (I will do the same to you)

Here are some facts about me: I'm 16 years old, I live in Finland, My username is Aporis in DayZ, I speak pretty good english, My timezone is GMT +2 and I have been playing DayZ for 3 weeks And i am one of the good guys who dont open fire at random people


So here are the criters you need to fill:

-Steam or Skype.

-Microphone IF you want to voice chat.

-DayZ (ofcourse :P)

-age 15+

-You need to be from Europe or from East US

Well i guess thats it private message me your details, or you can type them in here, i will check them soon.

When you message me.

Tell me: Your Username, Where do you live, What is your timezone, your age, and your skype or steam or both.

Thank you, best wishes your friend Aporis

Dude, Im sorry, I am looking for people to join a group of mine on this forum, but you should be a bit more careful who you pick. You are welcome to join my group, if you can properly take care of yourself with a little help. We will not 'take care of' or 'baby' you. We are semi-serious. Oh, and if you are a bandit, I will have you know now... You stand NO chance against my group.

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Side Note: We are NOT bandits, but we are NOT friendly. We are cautious with new people, and if you join, you run the risk of being shot, we play in US servers and we are from Eastern America. If your schedule plays well with ours, we would be happy to have you as part of the group. And we are also 15-16 years old.

Edited by BrianPanda

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Hey im not bandit and im cautious with new people too and i often get to know who am i playing with, You actually think that im looking for people to kill? thats not it, i seriously hate bandits and i somehow know who is a bandit even before i kill him. Because i often use Emotes to show people im not an enemy. But if they start shooting i often get away from their line of sight without getting a single bullet. Best way not to get people panic and shoot you is to notpoint your gun directly at them. Thanks anyways for the offer but still looking only for ONE friendly survivor

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Hey im not bandit and im cautious with new people too and i often get to know who am i playing with, You actually think that im looking for people to kill? thats not it, i seriously hate bandits and i somehow know who is a bandit even before i kill him. Because i often use Emotes to show people im not an enemy. But if they start shooting i often get away from their line of sight without getting a single bullet. Best way not to get people panic and shoot you is to notpoint your gun directly at them. Thanks anyways for the offer but still looking only for ONE friendly survivor

I have a youtube channel for you to check out, Hi I'm Brian, and i would care to have you in my group, if you are willing to reconsider, for we are trying to expand. Here is the link:http://www.youtube.c...me?feature=mhee you can see for yourself that we do not 'jump' people, we are friendly enough to take players under our wings.

Edited by BrianPanda

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im sorry but my answer is still no. but i hope you guys the best luck and if we bump into each other i hope you guys let me go unharmed.

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I'm still in need of a freindly survivor please postor private message me :)

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