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Two people on same router, disconnect issue

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Hi all,

First time caller, long time listener.

I am on cable (10-12 mbps down) with a roommate and we both are trying to play Day Z. It appears we cannot play on the same servers.

1. When the first person joins, they get in.

2. When the second person joins, the first person gets the "no message received error..." until they exit. This happens on every server, as soon as the second person connects.

Any fixes you guys can think of?


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Something I forgot to include in the original post is that we are both using the Amazon retail version without the beta patch.

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Something I forgot to include in the original post is that we are both using the Amazon retail version without the beta patch.

I would guess that you are both using the same CD key.


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you will need two copies of the game, Dayz promotes unique users.

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Make sure NAT is enabled on your router.

What you are describing is something called packet address collision and should only exist where either NAT is disabled and its running route mode or both clients are using the same MAC address (or one is cloned, sniffing your traffic, SPYING on you etc, etc)

(though as the guys above say, you could just be cheating and using the same game ID which would be a bit silly)

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We bought different copies of the game. I will look into the NAT issue.

UPDATE: Changing the NAT setting seems to have fixed it, I'll let you know if we keep having this problem. Thanks for the suggestion!

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