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theres a crate out here?

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so these little blue crates.....are they all over the map?

or are there only one or 2 of them?

when you get to it please let people know on here that its there......

Edited by M1911s

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1) Crate near a heli crash or in the NWAF barracks, containing 1-2 types of mags?

2) Crates full of weapons, hacker spawned?

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idk? its got ton of items in itso i have been taking out and putting up tents on another server

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Please report it's location and server, so other people can go gra... so it can be promptly incinerated, along with all the illegal items in it!

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i dont know exactly where but its server is us 928 or us928......sw of pavlovo

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It is not a hack, downed chopper sites can have crates of ammo and also medical loot besides weapons.

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015118..is what it says on the gps.....is 015 the horizontal or vertical coord?

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Have you guys never seen it before? If you have been to a lot of crash sites you will see them. They tend to have ammo in them, but I have seen medical loot in them as well, bloodbags, injectors and epi pens.....even anti biotics.

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just started play this week...and it s the first time i have seen one...theres no heli that i see....couple tents set up and that it.

has guns and maps and ammo

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Have you guys never seen it before? If you have been to a lot of crash sites you will see them. They tend to have ammo in them, but I have seen medical loot in them as well, bloodbags, injectors and epi pens.....even anti biotics.

Stop, you don't know what you're talking about. He stated they had lots of guns in it, read the entire conversation before posting.

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just got there.....

has all the weapons

and supplys

its there for the looting.....

better hurry before someone camps it

got a L85 AWS and like 5 ghilles from it

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just got there.....

has all the weapons

and supplys

its there for the looting.....

better hurry before someone camps it

got a L85 AWS and like 5 ghilles from it

thanks for confirming

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just got there.....

has all the weapons

and supplys

its there for the looting.....

better hurry before someone camps it

got a L85 AWS and like 5 ghilles from it

Wut. You know those are hacked, why are you taking them? Someone kill this guy.

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Wut. You know those are hacked, why are you taking them? Someone kill this guy.

do you know how many times i have been killed or nuked by hackers?......NO..... YOU DONT!

bout time i get some of their loot!

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As others have said, If there are items in the crate other than Stanag and Stanag SD or SVD Ammo(cant remember what the other ammo is with SVD ammo), such as weapons or toolbelt items(map, compass etc.) then it's a hacked crate, simple as that.

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well i feel like if its a hacked crate and you didnt hack it free game then........fuck morals!

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