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Trading outpost

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And Thasik that would be a good idea it means that everyone who is willing to trade would not be having to worry about being killed

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i mean northen area and i dont i dont mind you recording us setting up but it would be better if you didnt record in the places that are meant to be the secret loot points but yeah by all means record us playing ive got no problem with itand yeah ive just downloaded commander and just about to install it oh and could you give me a link to your youtube channel?

I was only going to record us looting and the actual trading sessions going on, not our camp/ base of operations lol.

Yea, I'll post it tomorrow, can't remember what it is right now.

Hopefully I'll get some epic footage!

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Steam: Mand'alor

I am new to dayz but I will help in any way I can.

Edited by spartan424

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awesome spartan do you have skype as well cause thats mostly how we are communicating?


i have just noticed that steam can't find the user Mand'alor so thats odd

Edited by Pieisdeath

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It looks like im gonna have to find a new server. the one we were using doesn't seem to want to go past loading and ive tried it quite a few times so ill find a new one and tell everyone later

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Ok, I won't be able to play with you guys until you all have Dayz commander has a filter that show servers you can play with your arma and Dayz version, best way to do it IMO.

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Also it has a friends list which could prove very useful.

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yeah it might prove useful and i have updated to and so has nate dunno about everyone else

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In my experience the LU servers tend to be the best ones, I played one for half hour yesterday, took 2 mins from selection to loading to in game.

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I have found that LU servers are fairly good as well but they usually are nighttime in UK daytime so im guessing that people wont want to be trading in the night

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I'm sure that YOU do. However do you run one on all 4621 servers? I doubt it.

Scared of a little competition?

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Im down, I can be long range snipe security

Awesome. Do you have skype? If so add me: TheShockanator, and we'll sort something out.

Right now we have the locations we want and gear, but are yet to establish a home server or fortifications. We are looking for sniper/spotter teams, you could be of most use :)

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i can assist greatly with security. im a good sniper and ive had millitary experience in defense and setting up skype = tachyonXL

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Excellent, hopefully me or pie should be on later, add TheShockanator and we'll meet up in game. Right now my character is bare after being killed by a hacker, so I'll be looting on my way up.

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If anything I would hope that the trader outpost idea comes up in the standalone, except make it a safe area where weapons cant be drawn.

The effective range of .50 cals is above 1km. That would have to be one big safe area.

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The effective range of .50 cals is above 1km. That would have to be one big safe area.

Or at very least have high walls

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Anyone going to be on in around an hour? I'll be on when I get back from work.

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A little clip of me and Nates progress for you! we found a car AND a tractor


My Youtube channel, where i'll be recording most of our interactions!

Edited by TheSO

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thats pretty cool you will have to tell me which server they are on cause that will then be the home server then

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Windows decided to update whilst I was playing, will cat h you tuesday, use the cars as tents, stock up via those.

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Any news guys? I've been away most of the weekend.

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no news that i can think of other than the fact that we found a rather large camp and raided it now i have NV goggles and a gps

Edited by Pieisdeath

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I have an m14 and m107 and am willing to offer you guys security in trade for the needed food and m107 ammo. I am fully equipped and have a friend with a rangefinder who is my spotter and also wants to help protect this cause.

We think you are doing the right thing and would like to be a part of it!

skype: MrOiNL

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