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=ATS= Striker

=ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

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Age: 23

Ingame Name: Fairwell

TZ and Country: Central USA

Are you willing to use TS3: yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: probably

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I take games seriously. I do not like to lose. You won't see me or hear me be pissy about losing but you sure will see me get my revenge. I like to support snipe and I want to be the best at it and strive to be.

What type of role would best suit you: Precision Sniper.

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Thanks Striker. I'll check your TS first thing when I get a chance.

By the way, what are your prime times in DayZ?

we normally have about 7-14 people online from 1-3pm est till about 3-4am est.

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FYI These people DC multiple times during combat, have a hacker in their clan. And when people have rare weapons or a as50 thermal they cry out hacker. So cheers joining their clan.

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Ingame Name: Tony

TZ and Country: EST USA

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes and i have it ready.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes let me know when its up.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I love to loot but if i have no one to share it with the game gets lame.

What type of role would best suit you: Midrange fighter/scout M4a1 with m203 or SD also transport/bussdriver.

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Age: 26

Ingame Name: Steve-o

TZ and Country: Eastern , US

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I am super sneaky, I never go running into a firefight, I take huge flanks.

What type of role would best suit you: Sniper

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FYI These people DC multiple times during combat, have a hacker in their clan. And when people have rare weapons or a as50 thermal they cry out hacker. So cheers joining their clan.

* 1st Incident

Three of our guys get shot down near Stary Sobor by Thermal AS50s.

* 2nd Incident

Two of our guys go recover a motor bike north of Stary, we get fired upon. One of the guys from the previous incident logs in after other clan mates were taken down at Stary Sobor (was logged before firefight). We end up killing 4 hackers with AS50 TWS (thermals). We hide the bodies along with the weapons. (I don't know how you guys lost that one, must suck really bad because none of us had thermals) 3 non hackers VS 4 hackers *claps* and we won.

* 3rd Incident

En route to drop off recovered motor bike, as soon as I reach camp a satchel charge goes off in front of me (premature explosion btw). I log off. No point in dying to a bunch of hackers which whom we killed just minutes before.

Later on @ server lobby one of them starts ranting about how they server hopped to get the drop on us (that's an exploit). And keep spawning helicopters on that server, we shot one down today, there is no way another had already spawned non-hacked. And thanks for letting us know that you duped those AS50 thermals that supposedly were picked up from a "hacker".

Hope we didn't ruffle your feathers.


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Lol it doesnt matter if we picked it up from a hacker, server hopped to transport, or had any hacked weapons when none of us were hackers, and fyi those helis you shot down um yea we werent even on when that happend and there have been 2 helis in another groups possession for a while on that server we had one on a different server where we went onto had our friend pick us up bring us to camp gear us up and then went back onto your server and drove halfway to your camp then went on foot to place charges.

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Ingame Name: Nova

TZ and Country: GMT and UK

Are you willing to use TS3: Yeha Boi

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yeah i guess

What separates you from everyone else: Pretty Good Spotter/Sniper

What type of role would best suit you:Spotter/Sniper/Scout.

Steam Name: Nova

Edited by samback

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Age:17 but ill be 18 in Novembor

Ingame Name: Skeith

TZ and Country: EST U.S.A.

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yea just send me the link

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I can negotiate my way out of sticky situations, experienced in Dayz, good pilot, spotter, sniper, ground unit. Pretty much anything

What type of role would best suit you:Spotter, Sniper, Pilot

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Appearently there are 2 threads. Here is my post from this thread: http://dayzmod.com/f..._20#entry687466

Age: 31

Ingame Name: Pitbull (formerly Jay)

TZ and Country: GMT -5 EST Eastern US

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): Former Infantryman, United States Army. I don't mind walking, it's all I ever did.

What type of role would best suit you: Door kicking entry. Supplies/provision procurement (forcibily if need be). Give me support by fire and I'll be glad to tell you what I found in town.

As a side note I found your clan by playing on a low population server to farm and saw between 5-10 members slowly trickling in. I've been looking for a clan willing to work together and play together.

Edited by Sabain

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Skeith95, Sabain accepted.. TS3 info sent.

Havent got it yet, does it take a while?

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After 48 hours I must say I'm pretty satisfied with this great bunch. I managed to keep my 3 week old gear even though I've died a couple of times. We got hacked a couple of times because, you know...haters gonna hate... We had "accidental" squad wipes involving grenades, followed by long sessions of laughter :D, etc.... There's some really great, helpful people in this bunch and I'll be stickin' around.

Maybe after the website is available we can get a decent mature team out of this to ingress on Arma 3. Who knows!?

Markus Out


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(Making an application on this thread too aswell as the one in the Survivor HQ)

Age: 19

Ingame Name: Fakado

TZ and Country: UTC UK

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: I'd check daily and occasionally post.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I tend to play the game smartly and I don't mind spending an extra 10 minutes going through a safer route to get to my destination if it means a higher chance of survival/picking something off.

What type of role would best suit you: Spotter/Sniper/Long-Range support/Driver

Edited by fakado

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