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=ATS= Striker

=ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

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for future applications do not reply to mails sent by anyone about joining this clan except for the listed names, there has been reports of people faking that they are in =ATS= and sending mails to potential recruits, with false TS info and info about us.


1. =ATS= abeL

2. =ATS= Striker

3. Jedimind


=ATS= requirements

Age of 18+

Active and Mature

Team Speak 3

Team Player

New and old as long as you are willing to learn.

Ingame name must have =ATS= before it. example =ATS= Striker ( forum name is optional )

=ATS= strives to be a highly tactical clan, let it be during clan wars or just a quick looting run tactics are always in play, practicing and learning we will always adapt to the situation and get out alive, or die trying we will never give up we will fight till the end, no man is left behind.

Current Member Count ( 17 )

=ATS= Rules

Work as a team if you are not willing to work as a team player then do not bother joining.

If the player looks like a threat take him down.

Call out shots fired.

Call out enemy's spotted.

Don't fall for traps, if it looks too good to be true it's a trap.

Be on TS3 when online.

No Combat Logging ( Alt F4 )

No Hacking

=ATS= Goals

Voice comm's ( Achieved )

Website ( Under Construction )

Gaining new members ( In Progress )

Ranking Structure ( In Progress )

Our own server ( In Progress )

=ATS= is a multi gaming clan starting on DayZ.

To Join fill this form out.


Ingame Name:

TZ and Country:

Are you willing to use TS3:

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's )

What type of role would best suit you:

If you are selected to join I will send you a mail on the website with the TS3 details, I will not be posting our roster on the forums.

My steam is =ATS= Striker

Edited by =ATS= Striker
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Ingame Name:mads

TZ and Country:gmt+1. Norway

Are you willing to use TS3:have it and use it

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes,

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's )

I cant for the life of me, bring myself to kill a guy who just started out.

What type of role would best suit you:sniper/spotter/assault

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Age: 18

Ingame Name: cam

TZ and Country: EST, Canada

Are you willing to use TS3: yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) very good at sniping and i have alot of friends on many servers

What type of role would best suit you: sniper

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So now that you have killed me at the nwaf on your server, how do i get in this woderful clan of yours. Im Jt btw.

Edited by Bourne

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Age: 21

Ingame Name: Cosmic

TZ and Country: Central, USA

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Sure

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) Maturity, Tactical

What type of role would best suit you: Medic

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Age: I am currently 16 years of age.

Ingame Name: Marcus

TZ and Country: UTC + 1, Norway.

Are you willing to use TS3: I am indeed, just shoot me the info. ;)

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Ofcourse, if it's available, I'll be on it.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I'm not immature, I have no problems in taking commands from others and I do not easily get angry, I have a good aim with the sniper(s) and I consider myself fairly tactical.

What type of role would best suit you: Sniper

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Ingame Name:Justin

TZ and Country:Eastern, US/New York

Are you willing to use TS3:Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): Willing to risk myself for teammates

What type of role would best suit you:Groundsman (Gatherer)

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Bourne, Marcus and saiint accepted, member count is now at 10+ TS3 info sent, welcome.

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Ingame Name:Slushies

TZ and Country:Eastern, US, MD

Are you willing to use TS3:Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): Extensive FPS experience from CS 1.6 to BF3, Great small squad leadership skills, can almost play any role, Best Recon/Navigator/Sniper your ever gonna meet

What type of role would best suit you: However sniper is prefered, any role is fine, I'd like to be trusted, and put in lots of raids

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Age: 22

Ingame Name: Breiss

TZ and Country: GMT -8 Hrs, US Pacific Time, California

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) : Over a decade of PC FPS experience including Cal-I and Cal-P

Counter-strike 1.6 and Source competitive play. Vast experience playing large scale games dating back to BF1942 for several years.

What type of role would best suit you: Assault role, Support gunner role, The dirty work.

Edited by Buro

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Age: 16 (i know im too young but im mature for my age so i thought i may aswell try to apply)

Ingame Name: Harry

TZ and Country: England, GMT +0

Are you willing to use TS3: yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ):

I have a strong tactical knowledge, i am very good at blending in to my surroundings and i am a strong team player, i would risk my character any time to save a friend.

What type of role would best suit you: Scout or Assault (i havent got much experience in sniping but i am eager to learn)

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Age: 17, I know you're looking for 18+, but hey

Ingame Name: HagenCaveman

TZ and Country: GMT - England

Are you willing to use TS3: Yeah

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Of course

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I have patience, I can work ell with others, I up for having a laugh but when things get serious so can I.

What type of role would best suit you: Marksman

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Ingame Name:MastaBlasta

TZ and Country:whatever and USA

Are you willing to use TS3:Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ):i73820, and I have quick reflexes and wit.

What type of role would best suit you: Support or assault, currently have a LA85 and a PDW, Cammo, and everything except NVGs rangefinder and gps. I also am good at baiting off and losing zack.

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Age: 18

Ingame Name: Iths

TZ and Country: GMT + 1 Norway

Are you willing to use TS3: yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) tracking/scouting

What type of role would best suit you: spotter/scout

Edited by Iths

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Age: 24

Ingame Name: MurK

TZ and Country: US PST

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I was army Infantry for three and a half years two tours in Iraq so I can be a very tactical person if need be. I'm all for team loyalty and am willing to give to whoever needs(team wise) I listen and follow instructions to the "T"

What type of role would best suit you: Any role, I can adapt and overcome even if it means being bandit bait just to draw fire :D

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Age: 22.

Ingame Name: abeL.

TZ and Country: Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Are you willing to use TS3: I use TS, Ventrilo, Skype, Mumble.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Of course.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): Extensive FPS and team play experience in MMOs, great in squad play. Loyal, good with authority (when justified) and I account for all my actions. Good man to have.

What type of role would best suit you: Medic; Close range. Sniper secondary

Gear: Currently have ALL essential tools (including NVGs, Range Finders). Equipped with ghillie, AS50, M4A1 CCO SD. I can get close and stay quiet for medical support.

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Age: 24

Ingame Name: Lefty

TZ and Country: GMT -6 (US CST)

Are you willing to use TS3: Of Course

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Absolutely

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's): I have experience running combat ops, I'm a decent marksman at extended distance. Also good with surveillance/counter surveillance. Excellent at observing and gathering intel on unfamiliar areas (present force strength, weapons, positions, etc)

What type of role would best suit you: Observer, Sniper, Scout

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Age: 22

Ingame Name: Armando

TZ and Country: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes. Also have skype and mumble.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes of course.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) Been gaming for over 7 years now mostly mmo's, down to earth guy, get along with everyone.

What type of role would best suit you: Any role is fine with me, i currently have all the tools like nvg's, RF etc. I have ghillie as well and a L85 AWS and an AS50.

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Age: 21

Ingame Name: Kaiokhen

TZ and Country: GMT-5 (NY)

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes when important info are posted

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) Highly active gamer and experienced in FPS. I am good at scouting for shooters and not leaving any team mate behind no matter whats going on.

What type of role would best suit you: Scout, Medic, Assault

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Age: 22

Ingame Name: Armando

TZ and Country: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes. Also have skype and mumble.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes of course.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) Been gaming for over 7 years now mostly mmo's, down to earth guy, get along with everyone.

What type of role would best suit you: Any role is fine with me, i currently have all the tools like nvg's, RF etc. I have ghillie as well and a L85 AWS and an AS50.

I vouch for this guy, good player.

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Hagencaveman, Slushies, Kaiokhen, JediMind, TheSlenderMan, ergoproxies, xMurKx, Iths, MastaBlasta

Accepted TS3 info sent.

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Age: 22

Ingame Name: Jordigger

TZ and Country: Central

Are you willing to use TS3: Yup

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Sure

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I have mad luck. I have played this game for over 4 months now since its release and have had a blast its. I have been in several groups always tried to use team strategy but never found a group like minded enough. I enjoy having fun but I also love to kill people in this game and hate dieing so being in a group that tries to not die would be great. My accuracy is okay, my two primary guns that I must have before I can properly kick some ass is either a dmr or aks kobra sight.

What type of role would best suit you: Support or Assault

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Age: 17

Ingame Name: Cut Throat

TZ and Country: GMT, England

Are you willing to use TS3: Yep

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yep

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I play very tactically and am a great team player

What type of role would best suit you: Recon/Sniper or part of a small fire team

Edited by Lewyhine

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Age: 15

Ingame Name: Taiannan

TZ and Country: GMT, England

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yeah

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) : Im a mature player, a good team/squad player and i listen and follow instructions well.

What type of role would best suit you: Support or assault

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