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Some you win, some you lose on UK 22

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Whilst making my way back down south to grab some supplies after another poke around the north I found a motorbike. Obviously I jumped on and roared around the contryside a bit, did some doughnuts in a car park and looked for some chicks to impress. Finding none I realised I'd need some fuel (gas for our American cousins) so found a handy tree and hid the machine there.

On my way back to the bike I get into a firefight and take a rather nasty wound that ends up with me extracting from the fight with rounds yanging past me only to bleed out a short distance away. I respawn on the beach of broken dreams and give it my best Usain Bolt impression up to where I think I was killed. I manage to get there and find my body, my attacker has taken a few things like morphine, my compass and some tasty steaks I was saving but I'm able to get my AK back, Alice pack and most of what I owned before my messy death (thanks to whoever that was for not hiding the body whilst it was still reasonably equipped).

Now I have my luggage and supplies I'm off like Mo Farrah to where I stashed the bike only to find that it is gone. Part of me dies inside at the loss. However, whoever had taken it had swapped me a bicycle. Yep, in place of my short owned but much beloved motorbike was a pedal bike. I laughed so loud my missus came in to see what the fuss was.

So to whoever did that I salute you sir, may the bike bear you better fortune than it did to me. I appreciate the gesture of the pedal bike and the sense of humour involved!

Despite the faults, DayZ again delivers some gaming high & lows that you just can't get anywhere else.

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Honestly, I much prefer the pushbike to the motorbike. It's quieter, doesn't need fuel, goes just as fast. My server somehow gobbled my pushy, but I found another today while riding back to camp. Couldn't have been happier!

Edited by Fapnapkin

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