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What's Your General Strategy?

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Hello all! After 4 days of playing this game my friends and I are hooked. Our 3-man group is working pretty well, but after 2 days of practicing Elektro raids and setting up campsites, we've decided it's time to move North. The decision has been made to travel the east coast and find a nice foresty area to call home. In the interest of conversation, Ive decided to ask my fellow survivors (you) what your general strategy is straight from the beach. Post your typical startup procedures and the goals you try to accomplish once you've got some lead and beans.

-Fellow Survivor, Rage

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move to general discussion if appropriate (my apologies for wrong forum posted in)

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Find food and drink on coast, maybe a gun and some ammo or a hatchet for some defense, ask what my clan mates maybe need for industrial parts, then head to camP lol. But I play with about 20 others from my clan in various other games.

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If you are playing legit, it's a good idea to group up and farm for gear.

I call it farming some call it loot or spawn recycling.

Setup in Berezino for example (as it has two supermarkets):

take everything from the supermarket and dump it into one big pile outside the door

once clear of everything run to other supermarket and do the same

by the time you've cleared the 2nd supermarket the first would be respawned

continue until everyone has a map, matches, binoculars tents and whatever else is necessary

do this again at either the military tents in Berezino or the NE Airfield for weapons and a stockpile of ammo

When setting up tents for a camp, try to find a dense section of trees to place them

don't put any critical items into the tents, they will be discovered

maybe assign certain tasks to people, such as have one carrying mostly medical supplies and have another doing mostly hunting to have a stockpile of cooked meat etc

enjoy the game and survive as long as you can

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I normally play alone as I've found it to be much easier than playing as a team, and normally getting better results too.

First off I would go to the nearest major cities on the coast, I would hit in this order;Outhouses, Supermarket, churches, fire station, hospitals and lastly military tents. After I get decent supplies, map, hatchet and matchsticks I would then go to Balota airfield to try and scavenge a better weapon. From there I will make my way up North away from the coastal carnage, usually ending up in Stary Nobor, and this would be my home for weeks if I'm careful, occasionally travelling to NW airfield to get ammunition for my M4A1 SD, M9 SD and a .50cal sniper in my backpack.

What I have after a week:

Decent assault rifle, silenced M9, sniper rifle, coyote backpack( not patrol pack)2-3 of each medical supply(not including bandages), 6 cooked meat, 3 refillable canteen and 2 sodas, 1 ten,t and nearly all of the tools.

Rules&tips I follow:

Never play on a near full server

never force quit, your killer should have the right to your stuff as he has beaten you.

Avoid players at all cost, kill them if they come my way

Don't shoot every infected, you'll run out of ammunition much quicker than you think

When trying to hide from players try to go prone inside shadows and near high grass, you'll be less visible.

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