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=ATS= Striker

=ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

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=ATS= requirements

Age of 18+

Active and Mature

Team Speak 3

Team Player

New and old as long as you are willing to learn.

Ingame name must have =ATS= before it. example =ATS= Striker ( forum name is optional )

=ATS= strives to be a highly tactical clan, let it be during clan wars or just a quick looting run tactics are always in play, practicing and learning we will always adapt to the situation and get out alive, or die trying we will never give up we will fight till the end, no man is left behind.

Current Member Count ( 5 )

=ATS= Rules

Work as a team if you are not willing to work as a team player then do not bother joining.

If the player looks like a threat take him down.

Call out shots fired.

Call out enemy's spotted.

Don't fall for traps, if it looks too good to be true it's a trap.

Be on TS3 when online.

No Combat Logging ( Alt F4 )

No Hacking

=ATS= Goals

Voice comm's ( Achieved )

Website ( Under Construction )

Gaining new members ( In Progress )

Ranking Structure ( In Progress )

Our own server ( In Progress )

=ATS= is a multi gaming clan starting on DayZ.

To Join fill this form out.


Ingame Name:

TZ and Country:

Are you willing to use TS3:

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's )

What type of role would best suit you:

If you are selected to join I will send you a mail on the website with the TS3 details, I will not be posting our roster on the forums.

My steam is =ATS= Striker

Edited by =ATS= Striker

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Age: 23

Ingame Name: Garrett

TZ and Country: USA Central Timezone

Are you willing to use TS3: I have TS3, Skype, Mumble, and Vent. Any of these would fine with me.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

You understand that this is a New clan: Perfectly understand. Also wish to help it get going in anyway I can.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ). I'm more of cautious player, so I usually scope out the same town from four or five angles before delving into it. I suppose overwatch or scout would be my best two roles in a group.

Why are you interested in Joining our group: I'm a fairly new player looking for a group that wants to have a good experience in game. I'm also able to help with expenses here and there if needed.

Combat scenario

If you and another teammate are raiding a airfield, you're teammate gets shot and is injured, you have no idea where the shot came from... what do you do?

Depending on the damage my teammate took, and it shouldn't just be us two alone by any means. I would do what I could patch him up or defend him until we could crawl somewhere that is safer so we could treat the wounds and get out of there while relying on the rest of our team to provide a safe extraction.

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Age: 26

Ingame Name: GummyWyrm

TZ and Country: Canada EST

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes, already use it

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Of course

You understand that this is a New clan: Absolutely

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I have a lot of FPS experience, but my preferred way to play is slow and methodical, which makes DayZ perfect for me. I'm pretty handy with a sniper rifle, and usually perform overwatch when playing with friends.

Why are you interested in Joining our group: Honestly, once you're geared up there is very little left to do in the game. Being a part of a team, clan wars, and helping new players/members get geared up is where it's at now. I particularly want to be part of a clan with a heavy focus on squad tactics, which =ATS= obviously will have.

Combat scenario

If you and another teammate are raiding an airfield, your teammate gets shot and is injured, you have no idea where the shot came from... what do you do?

Very little detail to go on here. I'll assume my squad-mate was shot out in the open, so I would first keep moving while I ask him on TS where he thinks the shots came from. Then find the best possible place to provide covering fire while he makes his way to me. Then I'd fix him up (I always carry a blood bag and extra meds) and discuss our next move. If the worst were to happen, I would do my best to protect his gear and/or avenge his death.

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Ingame Name: Byrd-57

TZ and Country:U.S est

Are you willing to useTS3: yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes

You understand that this is a New clan: yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): i play very tactically im not a big fan of run and gun plays they just wast ammo and get you killed i like to know what im geting in to before i attack and that go for all the games i play.

Why are you interested in Joining our group: the thought a clan that plays tactical sounds beautiful.

Combat scenario: If you and another teammate are raiding an airfield, your teammate gets shot and is injured, you have no idea where the shot came from... what do you do?

i would ask my team mate if he has and idea ware the shots or shot came from and if he herd the gun as im helping him get to cover to stop the bleeding i would then ask if there is a clan member near by to help us out if not i would try to sneak around to kill the attacker.

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Age: 25

Ingame name: tanacious

Are you willing to use ts3: yes already have and also have usable server.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes

You understand that this is a New clan: yup

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): i'm very active(currently unemployed) which means i'm able to be around alot. i've always liked being doctor/medic, so i guess this would be something of a specialty for me scout/doctor. i'm not worried about making huge kills or epic sniping but willing to help someone else achieve those goals.

Why are you interested in Joining our group: your group is new and i'm also new. i'm willing to give you guys a chance if your willing to give me a chance. i'm learning fast so hopefully i can be of some use to a new clan.

Combat scenario

If you and another teammate are raiding an airfield, your teammate gets shot and is injured, you have no idea where the shot came from... what do you do?

if my team mate isn't dead probly means the sniper can no longer see which, i would then get to my team mate and heal him up so that we are both 100% fit and able to move or take further action. if my team mate is a sniper i would help him to locate the enemy sniper or we would both retreat together to a safe distance.

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LOL at a ATS member joining US 1040, getting kicked for global ban.

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LOL at a ATS member joining US 1040, getting kicked for global ban.

kinda hard for any ats member to do that when the members that are online are in the same server.

Please get you're facts straight before saying lies.

byrd and tabacious accepted TS3 info has been mailed to you.

Edited by =ATS= Striker

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  • Age: 19
  • Ingame Name: Yukkimura
  • TZ and Country: GMT/UTC +1 England (Although my nationality is Polish).
  • Are you willing to use TS3: Definitely.
  • Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Aye.
  • What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I consider myself a very good pilot and marksman. If the first shot misses, the second one will definitely hit. I specialize at medium to long range combat and patience is one of my strong points. (If I set my eyes on the prey and it flees into a building I don't mind waiting for hours untill it sticks its head out). I also have alot of military sim experience (Started playing military sims at age of 13 or so and my first military shooter ever was the first Operation Flashpoint). If required I can also attempt to infiltrate/sabotage hostile clans/groups.
  • What type of role would best suit you: PDM (Permanently Designated Marksman) and a pilot.

Edited by Yukkimura

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Age: 18

Ingame Name: purified

TZ and Country: UTC -5 United States

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes i am

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:Yes sir I am

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I am fun laid back, my skills very during each situation that we enter, I can be a good scout when the time comes for me to be one also Pointman when needed etc. Guess im your all arounder if you can see it that way.(very good driver)

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Age: 30

Ingame Name: Mayze

TZ and Country: GMT -5, United States

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes .. or ventrilo, mumble, skype, etc etc.. have all

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: definitely

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I'll be honest .. probably nothing. I'm a pretty standard player, but once i get involved in a game, i tend to do a lot of research and like to learn a lot about the game. I'm a bit obsessed with everything i do and strive to be a perfectionist. I really enjoy team play in any game. Currently I am playing with a friend in DayZ, but would like to participate in clan activity, due to everyone i come across, none are friendly :P

What type of role would best suit you: Any, really. I like to do it all.

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Age: 18

Ingame Name: aivia

TZ and Country: GMT 0 UK

Are you willing to use TS3: teamspeak and skype

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) my speciality is looting and spotting i am very good at waiting and could sit for a long time for the right moment to move i also have learnt about the game alot and no alot about the game. i would do whatever it takes to get a teammate out alive and safe

What type of role would best suit you: a role that suits me is being a spotter and looter

Edited by RAAMSBiGToE

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Ingame Name:1upguy

TZ and Country:EST and U.S.

Are you willing to use TS3:yea but i dont have one but i do have a skype

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) well ive always been called a pretty good sniper not to mention i have alot of patience which definatley comes in handy in dayz and im definatley a team player

What type of role would best suit you:sniper/recon

also i am unable to play at this time because my computer is shit >.> but coming this october i will be getting a new pc and i will have everything then i hope this isnt a problem i just wanted to get in a group and learn about dayz a little before i got into it and killed XD but ive watched well over a dozen youtube vids and lets plays on it so i know what to do when i get in

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Age: 16 (i apologize if this is just wasting your time and you don't wanna give me a shot just say no at this point)

Ingame Name: PheoniX

TZ and Country: GMT -5 USA East coast

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes, have it installed and ready.

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: yes, depending on what features it has i will be on it everyday or every week.

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) i have had my own clans in the past on the x box military marine core based so i tried to keep a good player community and have lots of leadership experience with leading people my graphics are kind of low so im mostly good at supporting and good at being a snipers spotter.

What type of role would best suit you: Medic, Squad leader, Suppressor anything along those lines are fun for me.

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Age: 15

Ingame Name: Mikhail (brother made it)

TZ and Country: PST, USA

Are you willing to use TS3: Sure

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): I am a good shot and good driver

What type of role would best suit you: Medic, Driver, Scout

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Ingame Name:Rick

TZ and Country:(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time, U.S.A

Are you willing to use TS3:Yes already use it

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) Former pilot of the USAF 2nd grade Lieutenant, Familiar with squad management, basics of urban combat, and importance of operating as a unit.

What type of role would best suit you:Vehicle maintainance, Piloting, rifleman, marksman I can do it all.

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Age: 24

Ingame Name: Godsbong

TZ and Country: Mountain Time Zone, UTC-7 / USA

Are you willing to use TS3: TS3/Mumble/Vent

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Send me the link!

What separates you from everyone else: I'm a universal player, meaning I play Day Z to do it all. Or I should say I like to do it all. I'll go on foot around the entire map for something if needs be.

What type of role would best suit you: Support/Scavenger/Point Man/Mule/Whatever the need is at the time.

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Ingame Name: Marth

TZ and Country: (UTC-05:00) Eastern, US

Willing to use TS3: Yes

Website: Yes

Active duty Army, familiar with squad movement, etc.

Role: I enjoy sniping, but I can fill most roles. Could make a decent medic.

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Age: 31

Ingame Name: Pitbull (formerly Jay)

TZ and Country: GMT -5 EST Eastern US

Are you willing to use TS3: Yes

Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes

What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): Former Infantryman, United States Army. I don't mind walking, it's all I ever did.

What type of role would best suit you: Door kicking entry. Supplies/provision procurement (forcibily if need be). Give me support by fire and I'll be glad to tell you what I found in town.

As a side note I found your clan by playing on a low population server to farm and saw between 5-10 members slowly trickling in. I've been looking for a clan willing to work together and play together.

Edited by Sabain

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FYI These people DC multiple times during combat, have a hacker in their clan. And when people have rare weapons or a as50 thermal they cry out hacker. So cheers joining their clan.

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