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Nariquo (DayZ)

Server vehicel spawn

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I have a question.

if there is a completley new server starting to run.

when are vehicels spamming. because a friend of mine got a server and we searched for vehicels but there is no where a singel car bike heli

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it would be nice if vehicles despawned after someone having it for a week, otherwise people horde them in their forest wonderlands for eternity.

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that wasnt the question.. i dont think people got the vehicels.. they didnt spawn so i want to know if there is a time when they spawn the first time

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I just got two servers, vehicles arent up on either. When i looked it up all i found was some people saying it takes up to 3 days to spawn on the higher server ID's

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3 days with restarts or without them. i mean, what happens if the server restart after tow days will the time then be resetted?

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