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Unholy Wayz

Looking for some DayZ teammates

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Hey guys I'm just looking for 1-2 people to join up with and have some fun busting some zombie skulls. I've been playing for a couple of weeks so I know my way around and all but its getting boring playing by myself along with getting shot in the back by a group of bandits -__- Im looking for mature players who know how to play well and what not,im 17 myself. Add me on skype if your interested: unholywayz

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Hey Man,

I will definitley play with you.

Just started a couple weeks ago myself, so im not the greatest.

It would be nice to play with a teamate.

Skype - boondockJock

Edited by Wild_Child666

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hey OcG-Spoony sorry but i forgot to mention im looking for NA players perferebly on the east coast

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hmm i never give out my groups info, but fuck it... we are all east coast and play pretty randomly but typically the times are between 6-12

https://www.facebook.com/groups/412465002124513/ if you dont have a fb msg me (atm 3 of us are logged out at the medic tents by the bolota airfield)

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