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sweet vengeance hackers receive global bans

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So i see 2 hackers decided to go on twitch.tv this morning and started streaming killing whole servers or stalking individuals. Not only did the guy admit to paying money for scripts(><), he was server hopping to avoid other scripters, and then received a battle eye global ban. These guys are the worst gamers i have ever seen and i can't stop laughing. No wonder i haven't been killed by a script for around a month these guys are clueless retards. to anyone who has had a run of bad luck just remember these guys aren't having fun they paid for their garbage and want their moneys worth. Altf4 and you win. Man can't stop smiling this guy got fucking owned.

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Nope he got a global ban. tried to join multiple servers and got same global ban msg then he mumbled some shit and shutdown the stream. Sorry if i missed the sarcasm cant hear inflections of speech on forums. i assume these guy buy more accounts and continue to troll. which is quite funny because they are really getting trolled paying for this

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