BlindProphet 34 Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) Ah see now you've pointed something out that I for some reason didn't realize. Although being in a camo suit still wouldn't be much better in town. Good point, good pointIt doesn't give you much extra in town no. However it isn't a giant attention drawing difference between you and everything else in town. It also allows you to transition in and out of town better than civi clothing. This is due to the fact it doesn't stand out anywhere near as much while moving along greener areas as civi clothing. And in grassy/bushy areas in town it allows you to hide better than civi's. Edited August 8, 2012 by BlindProphet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paula 3 Posted August 8, 2012 YES I KNOW CAMO CLOTHES ARE BETTER THAN REGULAR SURVIVOR CLOTHES. No need to reiderate that a billion times. What I want is a constructive discussion on how the camo suit can be improved or stand apart from the ghillie suits. Example I mean, reasons why I just wouldn't ALWAYS pick the ghillie suit over the camo clothes.The camo can be improved by finding a Ghillie suit... Why dont we just make the Markov better? I hate the fact that when I find an upgrade I stop using the markov.. Their for the markov is useless and needs more perks to make me want to use it over a better gun.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demon20 46 Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) I don't think you understand the concept of tiering. See, basically things are categorized into "Good" "Better" and "Best". Or sometimes "Shit" "Not Shit" "Best!"For example, with sniper rifles:CZ550 - "Good"DMR - "Better"AS50 - "Best"The purpose is that some things are better than others. Because the CZ550 has a shitty scope crosshairs and does roughly the same damage as the DMR at a lower rate of fire, it's not as good. The DMR doesn't have a zero, and isn't as powerful as the AS50, so it isn't as good.In your little world, all items should serve a special and unique purpose. While this makes sense in a normal shooter for balancing issues (like in CoD, in a perfect world all the guns would be equally good and have a purpose) it makes absolutely no sense in an MMO setting, which this game is at it's very core. I kind of get the feeling that you're just sad that you found camo clothing ("Better" tier) instead of a ghillie ("Best" tier) and you're making some sad attempt to get it changed so that you don't have to be sad that you didn't get the absolute best gear.For example, to turn your logic on it's head. If all items should serve a unique and fabulous purpose, lets compare handguns. We can all agree that the Makarov isn't as good as the G17. So we should buff the Makarov, right? Because I don't want to live in a world where I would ALWAYS pick the G17 over the Makarov. This clearly has nothing to do with the fact that I found a Makarov and not a G17, I just think the Makarov should be better so that all the guns can feel like the prettiest girls at the ball.Yep. What he said. Plus what I am going to say:I have found camo clothing 4 times in 4 weeks of play. Each time I have died and lost it, only to actually wish I had it back as soon as I spawned in wearing a bright baby blue shirt that can be seen for miles away, even in a town full of colors. I have found them on atrain, on a plane, in a house, with a seriously. I have found them in a house. I have found them in another house. I have found them in another another house. And yes...on a downed helipcopter (latest set). They are not really what I would call "rare". And as I quoted above...they are a wonderful "middle" between crap that sticks out like a sore thumb (unless you get the random coolness of a black ensemble instead of baby blue/dark blue or white/grey) and walking tree.I like them. I have lived longest when wearing them. When this puppy drops stand alone alpha, I hope to see various types of camo clothing skin. Would actually love to have seperate options...say, pants, shirt, jacket...hat. That way I could pickup different pieces off the dead (if it's not tore up...ergo infected or has holes from the bullets I just put in a guy who had a nice set of Multicam on or old school duck hunting gear).I don't think they need to be changed in the mod at all. And no...they don't need to be made "special" to compete when it is already specialer (yeah...I made that word up) than civilain clothing and not as special full blown ghillie lovin'.As far as your "inventory" slots bit. Sure, if you want to add "pockets" I wouldn't complian. Back in the day I kept all kinds of crap in my side pockets. Usually something soft like pogey bait or a book or the rest of an MRE I was working on. Never anything hard, like a magazine if I expected to be landing on my sides...but hey...I wouldn't complain if I had extra couple slots of beans.Out. Edited August 8, 2012 by Demon20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 For example, with sniper rifles:DMR - "Better"AS50 - "Best"Arguable...just sayin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 I kind of get the feeling that you're just sad that you found camo clothing ("Better" tier) instead of a ghillie ("Best" tier) and you're making some sad attempt to get it changed so that you don't have to be sad that you didn't get the absolute best gear.1. You're being a dick. GTFO my thread2. Found ghillie suit, gave camo to friend. So suck it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 For example, to turn your logic on it's head. If all items should serve a unique and fabulous purpose, lets compare handguns. We can all agree that the Makarov isn't as good as the G17. So we should buff the Makarov, right? Because I don't want to live in a world where I would ALWAYS pick the G17 over the Makarov. This clearly has nothing to do with the fact that I found a Makarov and not a G17, I just think the Makarov should be better so that all the guns can feel like the prettiest girls at the ball.This is a completely ignorant generalization and don't confuse this with what I am trying to say.What I am saying, as far as when it comes to some gear, there should be things that stand out.And as a matter of fact, there is a reason to pick the makarov over the G17. Depends how much ammo you want to find.I would pick the DMR over the AS50 any day. More ammo, higher rate of fire, larger mags and if you know what ranges the mil dots are set for why do I need to zero in the rifle? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 Why does it have to be a completely linear upgrade path anyways? Good, Better, Best? Way to think like every other game developer. This game IS so popular because it's doing everything differently. If you don't want to contribute to the creation of an industry changing game go back to playing Call of Duty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted August 8, 2012 The funniest thing is seeing ghillie suited newbs in cities.Camo is the best intermediate clothing.It serves as both forest camo and city camo.To all you newbies who venture into cities with ghillie suits. I love you, keep playing like dummies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
random51 172 Posted August 8, 2012 YES I KNOW CAMO CLOTHES ARE BETTER THAN REGULAR SURVIVOR CLOTHES. No need to reiderate that a billion times. What I want is a constructive discussion on how the camo suit can be improved or stand apart from the ghillie suits. Example I mean, reasons why I just wouldn't ALWAYS pick the ghillie suit over the camo clothes.Why do you need a reason to pick camo over ghillie? Next you'll be wanting a reason to pick enfield over AS50.It doesn't matter which you pick over the other, it matters WHICH YOU FIND. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fosty99 160 Posted August 8, 2012 You mean aside from the fact if you ever have to go into a town the ghillie suit is essentially painting a big giant target on yourself?No more than going into a town without a ghillie suit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sethen 62 Posted August 8, 2012 Camo is actually decent.. Have both and hell I have both pilled up in my tents. Go to a military location such as NW airfield or Starry and lay down with the dead soliders with an allice backpack on and pop up out of the dead corpse and take your kill once someone gets close.. Done this several times and works perfect! Camo can be useful. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 Why do you need a reason to pick camo over ghillie? Next you'll be wanting a reason to pick enfield over AS50.It doesn't matter which you pick over the other, it matters WHICH YOU FIND.You're avoiding the direct question. If I come across a ghillie suit while wearing a camo suit, should there be more of a reason other than it blends in better with the forest that I should choice it over the camo? Like a said above? Should it be a simple linear path from good better best? Or should you actually have to weigh gain and loss like a REALLY RPG and not a faggot ass MMO.To all of you who think this is warcraft GTFO. There shouldn't a definite better opinion. Always keep choices. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA 149 Posted August 8, 2012 You're avoiding the direct question. If I come across a ghillie suit while wearing a camo suit, should there be more of a reason other than it blends in better with the forest that I should choice it over the camo? Like a said above? Should it be a simple linear path from good better best? Or should you actually have to weigh gain and loss like a REALLY RPG and not a faggot ass MMO.To all of you who think this is warcraft GTFO. There shouldn't a definite better opinion. Always keep choices.You ask for constructive criticism, then respond with nothing but rage to people who eloquently explain why things are the way they are, and the fact that you apparently can't draw the parallels between certain concepts of MMO design and this game only further displays your ignorance. Based on your reactions to anyone who hasn't flat out agreed with you, this post is nothing more than you grand-standing and begging people to stroke your ego by telling you how awesome your idea is.First, the AS50 is better in nearly every single situation than the DMR. It is a 1 shot kill at any range, unlike the DMR which requires 3 and sometimes even 4 shots to kill. This allows the victim of your DMR to alt-f4 if you're firing beyond about 300 meters. Within that distance, granted, you might be able to land 3 hits before they can react, but at a longer distance you often have to wait a second for recoil and passive sway to calm down before firing accurately again. This also brings up the fact that although the DMR has a larger magazine, unless you're getting 100% headshots the AS50 has more potential kills per mag. Even landing 100% of your shots the DMR can kill 6 people per clip; the AS50 can kill 10 (loaded with M107 of course; the AS50 mags are for vehicles, not people). This brings up another point in that the DMR is fairly weak against most vehicles, while the AS50 when loaded with NATO rounds can one shot just about any vehicle in the game. Yep, helicopters too. The AS50 also has an extended zoom range, and can be manually zeroed. The DMR has no manual zero, and therefore is only effective if the shooter is extremely skilled at judging range or is within about 300 meters where the sight is naturally zeroed. The one and only situation the DMR has an advantage in is during night time combat with NVGs. The DMR is the only sniper rifle you can use NVGs and the scope with. Even this meager advantage assumes that you have an item (NVG) that is incredibly more rare than the DMR itself, and that you're not playing on a server with crosshairs. A skilled player can use the crosshairs with the AS50 to take out a target at 300-500m, allowing it to be used at night with NVGs anyway.Second, this game does share many design concepts with standard MMO gameplay. Granted, there are no quests and you don't "level up" (debatable, as acquiring toolbelt items and a better backpack could be seen as incremental improvements to your character), but the most important aspects of this game are decidedly MMO in nature: loot and open world pvp. What is the ultimate goal of DayZ? For most people, it's simply to acquire better loot. What is the ultimate goal of an MMO? The same. Aspects such as rarity versus quality (the EXACT THING YOU'RE DEBATING HERE), placing loot in harder to get to (read; "higher level") zones, these are absolutely MMO concepts being applied in DayZ. And for those of you who answered "nuh uh, my only goal is to fuck with people!" congratulations, that's open world pvp in a nutshell, and yeah MMOs invented that shit.See, that's how you debate child. You take the idea someone else had, analyze it, and then create a coherent response based on logical points that either agrees with or disagrees with their idea. Simply calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid and yelling "NO I'M RIGHT SERIOUSLY GUYS" isn't a debate, that's a temper tantrum. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted August 8, 2012 You're avoiding the direct question. If I come across a ghillie suit while wearing a camo suit, should there be more of a reason other than it blends in better with the forest that I should choice it over the camo? Like a said above? Should it be a simple linear path from good better best? Or should you actually have to weigh gain and loss like a REALLY RPG and not a faggot ass MMO.To all of you who think this is warcraft GTFO. There shouldn't a definite better opinion. Always keep choices. replace ghuillie with coyote and camo suit with alice back ....... yeah ..... but no Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
t1337dude 101 Posted August 8, 2012 After trying to farm that Ghillie shit for awhile I gave up. I had really good luck at first but after trying to find a Ghillie suit for the last 5 hours I haven't had any luck. At that point I realized I was wasting my time, but at least I got a bunch of camo suits out of the process. After wearing them for a little while, I'm really starting to like them. First off, they make my zombie-skinned survivor look like a fucking badass. Most players shit their pants when I run at them, firing my M1911 and yelling into my mic. Obviously you're not a grass wookie, but the green pants and shirt offer better camo than nothing. If you plan on sniping, you might want to give up the ALICE backpack for a smaller one.There are only two real downsides. First is that it's a huge let down when you see you aren't getting a Ghillie suit. Second is that the texture is ugly as fucking shit. I've seen better texturework on the PS2. It's sort of obvious they intended to charge for a better model down the line. I simply can't imagine the person who designed the texture to have taken a look at it, think "Look's good to me!", and consider it done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 109 Posted August 8, 2012 Who's saying you have to pick?You do have a backpack, don't you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 You ask for constructive criticism, then respond with nothing but rage to people who eloquently explain why things are the way they are, and the fact that you apparently can't draw the parallels between certain concepts of MMO design and this game only further displays your ignorance. Based on your reactions to anyone who hasn't flat out agreed with you, this post is nothing more than you grand-standing and begging people to stroke your ego by telling you how awesome your idea is.This ^^^ Stroke my ego bitches for I am god XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 8, 2012 Who's saying you have to pick?You do have a backpack, don't you?I actually did carry around both at one point. It just seems weird to switch. Maybe if I'm about to enter a town. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erik (DayZ) 61 Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) Atleast its better than the default clothing... Edited August 8, 2012 by Erik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blindingsun 233 Posted August 8, 2012 I find camo and ghillies Every single day.also.Camo clothing + camo custom skins = winsauce Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SumoS 168 Posted August 9, 2012 They are not tiered items. Like many of the weapons they all boil down to personal preference. Many weapons are effective if you put the hours in to learning to use them effectively. I know many a player that can outgun a .50 cal sniper with a DMR.If I find a ghillie I normally give it to someone else. I keep the camo for my style of play. They are just options available for clothing and I am sure many more will be added before the release of the end product. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buffjesus 357 Posted August 9, 2012 you can use camo clothing for mass dupingGEEZ PEOPLES COME ON NOW Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sostronk 334 Posted August 9, 2012 Personally I think clothing should be balanced and there should be more options. IE Ghillie gives the advantage of being harder to see, why not give it a negative bonus like a small movement speed drop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Theplanbpill 12 Posted August 9, 2012 Personally I think clothing should be balanced and there should be more options. IE Ghillie gives the advantage of being harder to see, why not give it a negative bonus like a small movement speed drop.Agreed.I want to ask everyone a simple question. Is a ghillie suit better for not being seen? Rhetorical, I know it is. (debatable in town)My point is if ghillie suit is better for not being seen, and the clothing is NOT teired like the guy said above, should the camo suit not have it's own more unique advantage associated with it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites