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Incentive for survivor players.

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Well, last night after days and days of looting I get shot by a bandit near Grishino, and as we all know I lose everything. The sad part is that this bandit did not loot my body, he just killed me for the fun of it.

So, now I have to start over, but, why should I do all over again as a survivor? days of crawling through cities, days on the hunt for water, just to eventually get one shot dead by a psycho kid? and he did not even looted me? then I realize the lack of incentive to play as a survivor, there is no prize, there is no bonus, we can all go shooting people on sight without penalty.

So, maybe one way to incentivate the survivor players is very simple, respawn the survivor near the location of his death.

Give me the chances to retake what was mine and this bandit did not even take... maybe when I get there, the bandit actually did looted me, in that case, well, bad luck, but gave me the chance at least... maybe I can hunt him even in disadvantage, maybe I'm near a fellow survivor and we don't have to cross all the map to re join, it's a nice little bonus for play the good guy. I'm not asking to keep my guns and stuff, I'm not asking to change the "one shot you're dead" system, I'm not asking something unfair, just to change the spawn location, a few km of my dead body... just to make it in time, and put in my hands a second chance.

This also can work for bandits, even though I think they should respawn far from his body and deal with the consequences of being the bad guy.


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I dont think it is balanced to be honest.And believe me,the same kid will stay and continue camping your body with loot untouched just to lure you in for the following kills.

But I do agree that killing just for the sake of killing should be disencouraged.Check out Moral theory thread.

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Um, I don't think it's worthwhile to implement things based on your personal vendettas. Spawning near your corpse would only increase griefing. When you spawn you are a new person, and shouldn't have any knowledge of what transpired in your previous character's life.

Edit: Your incentive is to survive.. isn't that enough?

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Well' date=' last night after days and days of looting I get shot by a bandit near Grishino, and as we all know I lose everything. The sad part is that this bandit did not loot my body, he just killed me for the fun of it.

So, now I have to start over, but, why should I do all over again as a survivor? days of crawling through cities, days on the hunt for water, just to eventually get one shot dead by a psycho kid?…[/quote']

Things like this can only ruin the atmosphere of this game, so no tnx!

Does not solve giving, special powers to a category…


I'm a bandit, but i don't shot at back of every ppl on my way with a sniper, i like the challenge.

So i agreed with you, about the "SerialKillers", (ppl only interested in fragkill, who take a break from BF3) :dodgy:

DayZ becaming popular, is attracting too many people "trigger-happy" arcade player that killing anything that moves, not for the loot but for fun, they consider DayZ, only a new game where get fun from PK because it's easy.

Soon they will ruin this game, why? everybody kill each other because paranoid ahahahaha :D and BANG! we have a new arcade like many others, where you do not have time to freeze to death, or starving, coz some arcade player kill you before it happens.

I think we should take action against this situation, and soon.

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Originally quoting each one of you, but a general response to everyone.

First, is not even a personal vendetta, because I don't want to kill him, just want the chance to get my (hard earned and not looted) stuff back. If I disconnect and go to another server I don't expect respawning near where that bandit killed me, I'm ok respawning near cherno or whatever, but in this particular case that I get murded, I'm only asking for the chance, only that, put the desicion in my hand.

Maybe four bandits killed me, and in disavantage I'm not even going to that place again, but the chance was still there. And that, as little as it is, is a good thing to have.

The atmosphere is gonna get ruined when lots of people (survivors/lone wolves mostly) gonna alt + F4 anytime they see a bandit (or anyone) near, because it is safer to log out than deal with the (no) consequences. But, if you got a chance, and in no way I see this like special powers, I think we survivors can deal better with death.

Even if this kid sticks around I can know where I'm putting myself into, maybe I can join a fellow and hunt this psycho, maybe I take a different approach, maybe I'm not even going there at all... it opens a wide set of choices, and none of them put advantage on my side if that's what bandits are afraid of.

Gonna check out the moral theory thread.

Thanks on your feedback.

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