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Looking for some non-zombie friends :)

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I just discovered this game yesterday and thought it would be close to a perfect game. When I got in I hit a bit of a wall on the controls of this game, while i'm used to play fps games the movement is no problem. The inventory, looting and all other stuff is, while I trying to figure out how it exactly works I find myself pretty alone in this game.

I'm seeking for companions who enjoy teaming up and survive. I live in the european timezone and playing mainly in the evening and early nights. Currently in holiday period so plenty of time to play.

Im looking mainly for people who:

-have a mic and speak over ts/vent (tacts/chitchat)

-dont rage by nature (specially over voice)

-mature attitude

-are not shooting first and ask questions later


-speak decent english (doesn't have to be your native language, it isn't mine either

I can offer the same as above so if you want to team up add me on steam


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i'm going to be starting this game in the next few days. I have been trying to find someone to team up with , because many of the videos on youtube show that people have partners . Besides the world looks very hard to survive in by myself !

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