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AOD BlackBox

Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

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I would very much like to play with you guys, i am currently 18 y/o, have 3 weeks of experience with this game.

I wish to join you guys, because i used to play with 3 of my friends, but they all sadly believe the mod is garbage.. so now i am soloing all the time.. making friends ingame is the worst thing you can do.. they'll backstab you, iv'e got experience with that yes.. :/

So i would very much like to play with you guys! :)

i do have TS3 btw :)

Guess i will hear from you inhere if you will take me in?

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Greetings AOD- Blackbox and Slevin! Nice gun battle tonight... nice to finally see some people not DC when the lead starts flying. You shouldn't have thrown that grenade :-) You bagged my two fellow survivors before I got you (and one again when we went back!)

Enjoy the loot - call it a truce? (I'll give you your M107 back, as long as you keep it pointed away from us!)

We are on your sever regularly, thanks for running a great server.


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Lamby, That was a great firefight I swear I hit whoever was behind that tree at least 3 times. Silly M16 is JUNK! That Grenade shoulda had you too! lol It was a good fight and keep the M107...It was amazing to find a squad that didnt disco when stuff went south. It was a great run and I was hyped! I also after killing Daniel M....again ;) found another group of survivors and stole their car and killed them It was a good night!Great work guys and glad to have some people on the server that play the game for what it's ment for hope to see you around. Send me a PM with your squad info and maybe we can set something awesome up :)

Also Thanks for the compliment on the server we do what we can and want everyone to have a good time!

Edited by AOD BlackBox

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good stuff lamby, The nade was a last ditch effort on my part I only had the sniper on me with no secondary because we were about to go raid some tents lol i was like shitshitshitshit NADE AND PRAY :(.

Was a good firefight tho.

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two weeks experiance or so. 22 years old. have team speak/ mic. more of a support player. looking for group to tag along with that wont kill me and loot my gear. play at varying times of the day. live on the east coast. solid pc setup and no problems with my connection. enjoy playing with other and helping the group gear up.

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Heh, I was at 4700 health when it ended. M16 broke my leg once, and the frag broke it again. Were you guys the ones that took our whole city out there? Blackbox, sent you a pm.


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bin playing a while understand the game would love to join and survive as a team..... thier is plenty of i in the team im in atm because im all alone in the woods and its dark lol :(

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Hello hit me up on steam or skype I think it would be easier to talk on there.

Steam = olaternatum

Skype = joshwelch14

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The tent cities have been poofing, had a hacker clear them out the other night. A reset should bring them back out.

I took a car tire and some ammo from it, thats about it.

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Hey, i would definetly be interested in joining your clan. By how it's presented, seems like an awesome group to have fun in.

Looking forward to a reply, later man.

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Name : doNT FeED thE BeAR

Age: 25

Location: East Coast, US

Length of playtime: 1 mo

Current Gear: Ghillie, nvg, m4 cco sd, dmr, etc.

What I'm looking for: Clan with active members and its own server, 90% serious with a bit of random fun on the side(hatchet runs through cherno, bus field trips, etc)

What I can offer: No-nonsense tactics(i.e. calling shots and enemy positions), killing players, locating campsites, experienced driver

I will be on later today

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Hey man I've been looking for a group of people to join.

Name: Psycho_ffs

Age: 21

Location: Georgia, U.S.

Playtime: ~2-3 months

Looking for: Group with a few people who are interested in the PvPside of the game, as opposed to just surviving with PvE. I can with game seriously or fun, whichever is needed at the time. I'm just looking for a solid group of people to play with, because playing solo is getting old, and playing almost any game with someone else is better.

About myself: I'm decently geared and prepared medically. I'm not scared of losing my items, however that doesn't mean I act stupid with them. I have a working headset, and I'm not scared to talk and be social with people. Once I get to playing with a group of people I really don't care what goes down, as long as I've got people who will at least attempt to have my back.

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I'm interested.

Name: Sherdog

Age: 27

Location: Atlanta, GA

Length of Play: 1+ months

Current Gear: Nadda. Script kiddie got me last night with a nuke. Currently on Skalisty Island looking for camps.

What I'm looking for: My brother and I play a lot together. We're a package deal. We play tactically and clear towns / buildings pretty well. Mostly assault based play, but we can snipe as well. We're looking for 21 years old or greater group of players who play consistently and have good squad based tactics. We've got teamspeak etc.

What I can offeer: Keeping tents / camps stocked. I'm a fan of farming locations and getting supplies back to base. We're pretty easy going and fun guys. Just looking for some trouble.

I'll be on later tonight

Edited by Sherdog

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