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Just sniped some carebear.

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I was getting ready to leave this tower I'd been waiting in for quite a while; almost an hour to be exact. Then some guy who had a carebear skin was all like ":heart:" so then I was all like "BOOM" and he was dead. He had an L85A2 RIS CWS and tons of beans on him. A few Zed's showed up and were dead in seconds because of my firepower. Truly my week-old character's greatest success.

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That anger because someone didn't like his badass portraited post.

Obvious child is obvious.

Note the amount of X's used in his name aswell, good point!

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Heh' date=' we got a faggot over here. BTW that meme isn't funny and neither are you. Are you in game cause I'll fuck you up.


You hardass. XxKillerofd00mXx. I lol'd

Regarding OPs story:


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Obvious child is obvious.

Note the amount of X's used in his name aswell' date=' good point!


Said the user OxTox casually.

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I can see that he's a badass by the way he put dozens of X's into his name

It's what all the cool kids do!

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Haha, he still gets mad at interwebz user posts. Grow up and take a joke kid...

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Heh' date=' we got a faggot over here. BTW that meme isn't funny and neither are you. Are you in game cause I'll fuck you up.



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It's because I know how to express myself unlike you FAGS. GTFO. Seriously if you're going to troll my thread fuck off' date=' or [b']I'll find you in game.

Uhhh I'm shivering.

Peace, XxBearGryllsxX

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I wish we could pose an age restriction on this game. Like 16. Then brats like this kid wouldn't annoy us.

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Heh' date=' we got a faggot over here. BTW that meme isn't funny and neither are you. Are you in game cause I'll fuck you up.


That anger because someone didn't like his badass portraited post.

Obvious child is obvious.

Note the amount of X's used in his name aswell' date=' good point!


It's because I know how to express myself unlike you FAGS. GTFO. Seriously if you're going to troll my thread fuck off, or I'll find you in game.

Your jimmies are rustled embarrassingly easily. Keep in mind that all the real bandits are going to want you dead now just so they can laugh.

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Seems that all these other fine gentlemen in this thread have already pointed out all of the irony in this terrible thread. You sir, are either a shit troll or just a stupid faggot.

Eitherway, go fuck yourself.

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God damn it' date=' you idiots almost just got me killed! I'm just going to stop caring about you, I'll find you all in game and FUCK YOU UP!



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I was getting ready to leave this tower I'd been waiting in for quite a while; almost an hour to be exact. Then some guy who had a carebear skin was all like ":heart:" so then I was all like "BOOM" and he was dead. He had an L85A2 RIS CWS and tons of beans on him. A few Zed's showed up and were dead in seconds because of my firepower. Truly my week-old character's greatest success.

Cool story bro.

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God damn it' date=' you idiots almost just got me killed! I'm just going to stop caring about you, I'll find you all in game and FUCK YOU UP!



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