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Tutorial: How to get out of the so called "debug forest"

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Okay, since I am growing tired of pitying people who loose their gear because they spawn in the "debug forest" I have made this tutorial just for them. The "debug forest" is located in the woods west of Pavolvo. See screenshot below:


When you spawn there, you will most likely be facing North (from my experience) and see this:


If you are not facing north, move around until your screen matches (roughly) the above screenshot. Next, turn right 90 degrees to face East as seen below:


Keep walking until you hit a road or if you are okay with navigation walk out in any direction. Just for good measure (and an excuse to fly the huey) I have provided a nice aerial view of the "debug forest"


I hope this quick tutorial will keep you guys from running in the wrong direction and loosing all of your stuff.


Go East.

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Apparently this is in the wrong forum, as I am seeing more tutorial/ guides in the "new player discussion", could a mod move this thread there so it is more accessible to new players? Thanks.

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it's easy to get out of debug forest, but when you spawn there you have no gear so you're still shafted...

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Thanks for the tip, but there seems to be minor problem sometimes when you spawn in debug forest since your character might spawn completely invinsible (without skin) and can't be seen by other players / zombies.

Not sure how common this is but if this starts occurring more often it might be a bit "game breaker" when people start moving invinsible shooting others. :/

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