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Spawning with a friend in standalone?

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I know that a lot of you will disagree with me here, but i find that having to run for about 30 minutes to an hour just to find your friend, only to be killed 10 seconds later, quite boring. Being able to spawn relatively close to a friend would be quite helpful for players who just want to survive with a friend. One problem i can see with this "spawn with a friend" option is having 10 friends spawn close to each other and dominating lone survivors, but maybe you could set the game so that when you spawn with a friend (the friend would have to accept some sort of message to avoid random spawns), both you and the friend are not aloud to be spawned on until you die? Also you should only be able to spawn near someone who has only been alive for 5 minutes to avoid people spawning inland and instantly getting the best stuff.

I personally see this as a good idea, but let me know what you guys think. Would this make the game more fun? Or would it ruin the survival element of the mod?

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It is a hardcore survival mod, in my opinion meeting up with friends of mine in Day Z is a blessing, it shouldn't be easy for us to meet up together. We should have to make long distance treks to get to each other. Something like this would ruin that in my opinion, why should it change for you, as you find it "boring".

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I agree with you. With my limited amout of time I get to play at nights, I dont want to spend 1 hour of the 2 I get to meet up with a friend.

Though I dont want to have just pickable spawn points either. Maybe a item find within the game that allows a person to spawn on you. A walkie talkie, radio or something?

Not sure what can be added but I agree..

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It is a hardcore survival mod, in my opinion meeting up with friends of mine in Day Z is a blessing, it shouldn't be easy for us to meet up together. We should have to make long distance treks to get to each other. Something like this would ruin that in my opinion, why should it change for you, as you find it "boring".

Finding a friend isn't the boring part. The boring part is when you find eachother, get killed by a bandit within the first 10 minutes of finding eachother and then having to do it all over again.

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Finding a friend isn't the boring part. The boring part is when you find eachother, get killed by a bandit within the first 10 minutes of finding eachother and then having to do it all over again.

Well maybe you guys should be more careful, and avoid bandits.

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I think that making tents spawnable is a good idea too :P

The problem with making tents spawnable is that new players will not experience the scavenging part of the game, most people will just spawn on a tent, get their friends stuff, and run around fully geared. But it would be a fun idea haha

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I'm sitting on the fence on this one, just recently it took me and my friend roughly an hour and a half to meet up only to get killed 5-10 mins later. My friend lost interest in Day Z after this and I'll admit I wasn't happy.

But it's the journey of meeting up in this game that adds another element unseen in any other game, it does make it that more harder which I like. If you could simply spawn on each other, the joy of finding a friendly face would be gone

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Yep I have to agree with womb, There are tons of games out there that are easy and have spawn mechanics like you suggest. I'm hoping rocket doesn't bow to pressure to make the game more like them I'm sick of easy mode in my games. In fact I don't think he will, thats DayZ's thing if you like, its hard, its supposed to be hard and that's why it has so many players. You can't get this kind of thrill from battlefield or COG or any other online game where dying doesn't hurt.

Here, your life is precious to you, hell I've been frustrated by this game, being snipped out fo the blue, getting ganked on the beach, running half way across the map to meet up with friends and then dying within half a mile of them. But you know what, thats what keeps me plying knowing that at any moment a bullet could come out of nowhere with my name on it and I have to start again. No other game has that feeling of paranoia and down right tension that Day Z has.

No Squad spawns please Rocket, leave them to Battle Field 3 where they belong.

However I'm not against being able to choose your spawn point. There are what maybe 6 to 10 points in the game where you can spawn at the moment. I'd like to be able to choose which I spawn at or even just west east or north.

Then you still have to meet up with your friends but you can't just spawn on them or at your camp with all your nice gear.

Edited by Talon2000uk

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I'm sitting on the fence on this one, just recently it took me and my friend roughly an hour and a half to meet up only to get killed 5-10 mins later. My friend lost interest in Day Z after this and I'll admit I wasn't happy.

But it's the journey of meeting up in this game that adds another element unseen in any other game, it does make it that more harder which I like. If you could simply spawn on each other, the joy of finding a friendly face would be gone

Yeah, i agree that it's fun to meet up with a friend. When i think of this spawning idea, i think of spawning each other close, but not so close that you can instantly see each other (if that makes sense haha)

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Arched, this idea has been posted 100 times. Everytime it has been shot down... by these tools who think there way of playing is the only way that is fun.

Yeah it is suppose to be "hard", but for those that don't have 5 hours to run around, it is boring/annoying. If are not an asocial wierdo, I would think most people would agree, playing with friends is much more fun.

So +1 to different spawn setup of some kind.

Edited by Iceman28001
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Yep I have to agree with womb, There are tons of games out there that are easy and have spawn mechanics like you suggest. I'm hoping rocket doesn't bow to pressure to make the game more like them I'm sick of easy mode in my games. In fact I don't think he will, thats DayZ's thing if you like, its hard its supposed to be hard and unforgiving, that's why it has so many players. You can't get this kind of thrill from battlefield or COG or any other online game where dying doesn't hurt.

Here your life is precious to you, hell I've been frustrated by this game, being snipped out fo the blue, getting ganked on the beach, running half way across the map to meet up with friends and then dying within half a mile of them. But you know what, thats what keeps me plying knowing that at any moment a bullet could come out of nowhere with my name on it and I have to start again. No other game has that feeling of paranoia and down right tension that Day Z has.

No Squad spawns please Rocket, leave them to battle field where they belong.

However I'm not against being able to choose your spawn point. There are what maybe 6 to 10 points in the game where you can spawn at the moment. I'd like to be able to choose which I spawn at or even just west east or north.

Then you still have to meet up with your friends but you can't just spawn on them or at your camp with all your nice gear.

I think my first post was a bit misleading. I don't want to spawn right next to my friend. I agree that having that feature would suck. But i would like a way to be able to spawn and know that i won't have to run for hours to find a friend. Being able to choose to spawn north or south sounds like a great idea. Not too specific and not it won't make it too easy to find each other :)

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Arched, this idea has been posted 100 times. Everytime it has been shot down... by these tools who think there way of playing is the only way that is fun.

Yeah it is suppose to be "hard", but for those that don't have 5 hours to run around, it is boring/annoying. If are not an asocial wierdo, I would think most people would agree, playing with friends is much more fun.

So +1 to different spawn setup of some kind.

I completely agree with you there. I hate playing games on my own. It's more fun when you're having banter with your friends. Also, i'm quite busy most days so spending an hour just to find someone and dying is a complete waste in my opinion (some people may find it fun and i'm ok with that lol)

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I appreciate where you are coming from, but why not just play regular arma with a buddy and spawn together. The point of this game is the random location alone you spawn at and the lack of everything you need. I am sorry, I do enjoy playing with my clan and it can be frustrating meeting up and dying sometimes, but thats part of the experience.

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I completely agree with you there. I hate playing games on my own. It's more fun when you're having banter with your friends. Also, i'm quite busy most days so spending an hour just to find someone and dying is a complete waste in my opinion (some people may find it fun and i'm ok with that lol)

if you want banter go on ventrillo silly

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Seriously how do you guys die so much when you team up? I can get everything I need and get off the coast solo about 90% of the time, and live for days if a hacker doesn't get me. This is without the advantage of having someone to watch my back.

This should only be a 1 time thing, that's the whole point of this game! You know, that perma-death and all. If this is really happening that often then the problem is not the game or the spawn points. Its you, plain and simple. Read some noob survivor tips or stop trying to kill people then complain when you die.. There is really no excuse to have to meet up with your friends constantly.

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Theres 40000000000000 threads about the standalone, most of them have a link to Rockets press release.

The press release where he says he wants to put this in the game.

Could everyone please read the info thats out there before starting threads demanding answers from other people that know fuck all as well?

Standalone was announced YESTERDAY. Rocket alone knows whats coming, none of us do, so maybe wait for a week to see what Rockets saying before flooding the boards?

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Theres 40000000000000 threads about the standalone, most of them have a link to Rockets press release.

The press release where he says he wants to put this in the game.

Could everyone please read the info thats out there before starting threads demanding answers from other people that know fuck all as well?

Standalone was announced YESTERDAY. Rocket alone knows whats coming, none of us do, so maybe wait for a week to see what Rockets saying before flooding the boards?

Can you link the press release please? I'm finding it hard just to find this thing :s

Nevermind lol thanks for link

Edited by arched123

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Hmmm, Not sure about spawning together with 5 friends. I just literally wanted to spawn closer to people, not have all of you spawn in a massive circle.

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No, No and No.

IMO its one good part of the mod/game that u may spawn across the map from your friends.

Edited by Vipala

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I agree with this. For people that have other things to do and can only play for a limited amount of time, running across the map for half an hour just seems like a waste of time.

Although a feature that lets you pick roughly where you spawn could be better than nothing (E.g pick north, south, east or west)

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