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UK139 need information

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So, i placed a tent on UK139, because our old camp (uk34) got wiped totaly. But since yesterday's night, uk139 remained offline.

If anyone got some info about uk139, like what's wrong, will it be back or it got canceled, pls respond :)



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no, it said something like "redtoad server" or some like that,

idk, havent found any site about uk139

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server got back up, idk reason. anyway i packed my tent and moved to another server. no longer interested in this one.

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just a heads up. its a knowb bug to have tents/cars dispensary when a server restarts. another restart will fix it and bring them back.

on uk34 it auto restarts every 6 hours. if at any time the tents/cars arnt there after one feel free to contact us on our TS or website tkgaming.com and we can manually restart to correct it.

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leavaris, our camp got wiped like totaly, sandbag, fences, hedge hogs. since car and 1tent doesnt respawned after 4restarts, i suggested somebody just found them. anyway uk34 is good server, we just got rolled. i still use it as a "changer" server, when others are filled or down

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yep your correct, the server was nuked by 7 choppers(script kiddies, all 4 were ban) that day, perhaps your camp was one, ours was hit aswell.

Best of luck to you.

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