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Can't get past loading.

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I've been playing DayZ for over a month now with little to no technical problems besides the sometimes frustrating load times on some servers. An hour ago I decided to do a little stroll into Elektro to loot some items to stock up on supplies. I experienced some pvp, picked up some murders and what not. As soon as I'm ready to leave Elektro, some scripter teleports everyone and just straight up kills us with another script. After that I respawn somewhere on the same server but cannot move, cannot do anything, I can't even hit escape to abort. So I pretty much ctrl alt delete out. Relaunched Dayz, tried to join another server got waiting for character to receive and so I decided to tab out while it loads. 30 minutes later I'm still stuck on loading so I exit out again and relaunch dayz on another server, same thing happens stuck on loading for another 30 minutes. This has been this way since 3 hours ago, I haven't been able to get past loading screen.

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Pretty much classic... check if your beta patch/oa patch is latest and do not try to join empty servers, most of the time, they do not let me in. Also as i figured out, server power directly results in players loading times as some load hell of a fast and in some you have wait like 3 minutes to get into a server. But if they loading is taking too long, just alt+f4 out of the game as you did till now and do not wait for 30 minutes. ;)

In my opinion you are just unlucky with server selection.

Edited by eStecko

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You guys seem to be right on the money. Apparently I totally missed the new Arma 2 OA beta update, unfortunately after downloading it and updating I am still stuck on loading. Can I not join previous beta's if i'm on the latest?

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