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LeYuno (DayZ)

boar not skinnable after shooting - possible link to tents

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Date/Time: 26/05/2012 around 17h gmt+1

What happened: I killed a boar but when i tried to skin it (i had a knife in my gear) it only showed a "hide body" option in the menu. screen at the bottom.

Where you were: in the woods directly north of vysota, to the north-east of the little farm that is just there along the road.

What you were doing: tried to skin the animal in several attempts, went back a little to try and get the mouse-over option to middle mouse click but didn't get it, tried opening gear, tried

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: i think it was nyc 7

*Your system specs: i5 2500k @4,2ghz, 16gb ram @ 1333mhz, crucial m4 ssd, 2x570ti in sli.

*Timeline of events before/after error: I found two tents moments before the boar encounter. I had opened them to find out what was inside. They were not my tents. I kept having a "save old tent" option in my mouse scroll menu, even after selecting it before and middle clicking it.



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