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I am sure this has been covered many times, but is there anything going to be done about the hackers? I just had 'Ronald McDonald' at least that is who the guy looked like -- who was 100% invulnerable to damage randomly appear behind me and demand I put my gun on the ground for him. When I turned around and aimed for his head and shot, nothing but a single swing of his axe to kill me.

This game is fun, however it is not fun spending a good 15 hours working very hard to get what I had only to lose it in half a second to some 14 year old with hacks. Clearly Battle Eye is not working. By allowing the hackers to run rampant, forces others to seek out hacks to defend themselves. By not addressing the hacking, you are allowing the game to spiral out of control.

I mean come on, a 100% invulnerability hack? Warping around the map to players? Instant killing? These are easily traceable, and by ignoring the problem it is only going to get bigger.

I mean ffs I couldn't even disconnect from the server/game because he was standing on top of me.

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Only real work around losing the gear is doing what everyone else does. Dupe your gear.


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Encountered hackers probably 10 times. I do not alt+f4 during the game... but when i do, it has something to do with this. Invisible hacker can be heard with footsteps and periferal vision, disconnect. Warping will give you some time to disconnect as well, also seen mid-air warp which will teleport you into air and kill everyone by fall damage, if you disconnect, you will spawn at a coast. Nuking... never seen it, so dont know. I would not risk duping items and in general, it will make the game boring, loosing the sense of looting, like... "what in here? OH AS50! :lol: "

But yeah... thats pretty much what i can tell, as annoying and retarded (sorry for being rude, but its pretty much true) they are, just disconnect on first sight of something not normal and go to different server. Yesterday, me and my squad been server hopping for like 40 minutes until we found a decent server. Parachute cows and artillery in cherno is not normal if you ask me. ;)

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I have never Alt + F4 out of the game. I figured it would leave a dumby or "pvp" logged character in game to simply die anyway. The guy was literally right on top of me and actively talking to me. I guess in the future I will try and Alt F4 out of the game. Sigh. It just really annoys me to spend so much time only to get slaughtered by a fking hacker.

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