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Fair or just wrong

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so was looting at the fire house in electro when someone walks in (every player iv came across kills me my trust for players was low) i put 10 shots to his general and hit him a few times however he types in and begs me to stop. Me being reasonable apologized and let him in however i kept my guard up a bit, then he asks for a blood transfusion (after all i shot him a good amount of times) so i said sure halfway through the blood transfusion he shoots me and dies minutes later because he was to stupid to wait for me to finish blood transfusion...

I think its just wrong i mean i shot at him and offered to heal him am i the only dayz player left with a heart?

reply and tell me what you would of done if you were me/him

always gave people chances but people really need to stop puttin holes into people for no reason i understand i had loot and i shot him but still i offered help ...

banditry is banditry i guess

Edited by Li1 GH0ST

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Happened to me too, basically people are idiots and unless they are a friend they don't get trust, trust is earnt, not given.

Despite that harsh stance you wills till make friends slowly and you'll die a lot less for it.

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For me it depends... im bandit if i have stuff to lose, because i do not want to lose my things, but if i start on the coast, im being friendly and most of the time, people will just shot me anyway, meybe because my hatchet rolling skills are too strong and they might be afraid of flying axe or something. The is a great article about DayZ as social experiment around the inet.

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trust is earnt, not given.

even if that is so (just throwin an example out there) there is a certain trust you give someone when you meet them example, if some Irl see's me gettin robbed and helps he would not expect me to well i dont know.... lets say stab him and vise versa. My point maybe confusing but hopfully you get what im saying

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Personally I don't think I will give a blood transfusion to a complete stranger anymore.

I'd probably break his legs and leave a morphine nearby so I have time to go away while he's crawling.

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Personally I don't think I will give a blood transfusion to a complete stranger anymore.

I'd probably break his legs and leave a morphine nearby so I have time to go away while he's crawling.

thats my point i really do want to be able to find a random player pop his ass because i was a bit shocked that a player was in 10 meters of me but make it up to them without them deciding that i should die. im not saying killing players should not be allowed because its a big part of the game but i would like to go into a camp trade with a few players and get on my way not see a camp and shit my pants

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