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Someone hacking on SE #800 server

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Hello DayZ team i just wanted to report some strange things that happened last night and that I'm 100% sure is the work of a hacker.

*Server this happened on.

DayZ - SE #800 ( [REGULAR] [GMT+2] [3DO:ON] dayzmod.com - Hosted by Eldar Gaming Community

Server IP and port:

*Time that it happened including your time zone.

Not sure exactly what time it was, it was during the evening last night. August 7 somewhere around 20:00 - 22-00 GMT+2

*What happened during the incident.

Well first of my teammate had just respawned in Electro and the odd thing is that the whole town was empty, not a single zombie around.. He started looting around and found a few dead bodies and lots of loot, but still no zombies. He kept looting for a few minutes before suddenly he had a quick lagspike and was suddenly just stone dead.

After that a few minutes passed and he was rather "pissed" when suddenly i, who was running around the woods looting deer stands got a lagspike aswell and suddenly i found myself standing on a field of grass with no trees or anything really, not even in the distance. first i thought it was a bug or something but suddenly i could se more and more players pop up, we could do nothing.. not move or shot and we all started to dance for some reason and then i could hear gunshots and spotted a guy in a ghuilie suit with a bad ass sniper shooting at us, i quickly hit esc and abort and logged on another server and found myself spawning on one of the beaches still alive and with all my gear left in my bags.

Someone is clearly hacking on that server, cant give you a name of the one because i don't know, also i tried to get a print screen but that only copied my desktop for some reason :(

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