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I love this game

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So I've been playing for a few days. The first two, I died a lot. I mean A LOT. Most of the deaths came from mistakingly trusting someone for more than 5 seconds. The others came from those damned Olympic runner zombies that chase you until you die of thirst or they catch you. I found one gun, some Pepsi and no food.

Then it happened....I managed to learn enough and stay alive long enough to get myself armed and get the equipment I needed to keep myself alive. Once this happened I just ran as far as I could north. At one point, I got some zombies on me and ended up with about 1000 blood.

It was dark, raining and I was in the middle of a forest alone. I had a blood pack but no one to use it on me and no map to tell someone where I was. All I knew was that I made sure the compass said north and ran. My vision was blurry and I knew I needed to get my blood back up ASAP so I chopped a tree and headed out to a field. I was passing out once in a while so I knew I didn't have much time....I needed to find an animal. Im up on a little hill and I see some movement in the distance. Getting a little closer I see more movement.....its a sheep!!! I toss my wood on the ground and start gutting my kill. The meat gets me to about 5000 blood, enough to find another animal or two and stock up. I run west to another field and spot 2 more sheep. My blood is back to 12000 now and I'm ready to continue my adventure.

I have never played a game that has taken me to the point of writing a forum post about killing and eating a sheep. I can describe this to anyone else and they wouldn't think much of it...yea so what I killed a sheep and ate it. Only people that have played dayz can understand. I can't wait to see what other situations I end up in. This game/mod is amazing.

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Trust me. That's my survival tactic right there. I only go back to major cities to restock on ammo and medical crap.

Good job.

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My only problem now is finding ammo and med supplies again. I have no clue where I am :P

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My only problem now is finding ammo and med supplies again. I have no clue where I am :P

Well, you can use an online map, or pray you find random meds in your next town. Hospitals are only on the coast though, if you wanted a sure thing. Ammo is everywhere, but look for barns and deer stands.

Good luck!

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