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A way to make "Humanity" Important

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Supposedly in this next patch...humanity levels will dictate what skin we get.

Alot of people have made logical arguments why this will not encourage players

to care about their humanity. Nor will it really help curb KOS.

I guess we'll find out when the patch rolls out.

Here's my suggestion for making the humanity mechanic really work.



I know a "loneliness" meter has been suggested many times to help encourage player co-operation.

but i haven't seen it like this.

!> You don't just start with a loneliness meter. IF your humanity drops below a certain level....

The loneliness meter appears. Now you have to "get close to" or help another player without

murdering them.

!> Spending time or "helping" you're friends or clan mates will only refill a tiny bit of humanity. Not

enough to lose the loneliness meter. The clan\friend system would make this possible.

!> The meter will drain VERY VERY SLOWLY. Giving plenty of time to raise your humanity high enough to lose it. Several days. It could take that long to get close to another player..

!> You wouldn't necessarily have to interact with the player. Just getting close to them (even without being seen) is good enough. But helping them would instantly restore humanity to full.

!> If you ignore the loneliness meter and let it drop to zero (again this would take several days or longer) If you you ket it drop to zero....THEN you get a skin....a really horrible one so you look filthy

and insane to other players. TO BE AVOIDED.

!> In addition to the skin....something else.....not sure what....fainting? Needing twice as much food?(makes no logical sense), Shaky hands? Constant buzzing in ears? An instanced reality where you're forced to play alone? lol....i don't know.....but Something.

Edited by playZ
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So you'd just need friends to stand near you to stop you from getting the skin? Sounds useless.

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The punishments to being lonely would definitely curb KOS but the punishments are waaay too harsh, the buzzing in the ears I like, because it's not a ridiculously harsh punishment for being lonely but it would still be noticeable. Also helping a team mate shouldn't refill the humanity meter to full, but by quite a decent bit.

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The punishments to being lonely would definitely curb KOS but the punishments are waaay too harsh, the buzzing in the ears I like, because it's not a ridiculously harsh punishment for being lonely but it would still be noticeable. Also helping a team mate shouldn't refill the humanity meter to full, but by quite a decent bit.

Well maybe enough to significantly slow down the onset of the skin and ear buzzing but not enough to avoid it.. Otherwise it defeat the whole purpose.
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So you'd just need friends to stand near you to stop you from getting the skin? Sounds useless.

You obviously didn't get second point (!>)

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