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{DayZ Short Film} "Gamma and Brightness"

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Little shout out to Dean "Rocket" Hall in this one ;)



Edited by Xtian
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Red eyes in the house...?

Next one should be about.... Grass-colored Huge-rock.

But rocks can have moss and grass on them.

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This was an enjoyable watch! Well-made!

It would have been funny to include the infamous Alt+F4 or Thunderdome ^_^

I like that I got the "direct chat" joke with that music. Damn bandits!

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haha nice one :) You should do a video about breaking legs on multiple occasions and other sillyness :D

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haha nice one :) You should do a video about breaking legs on multiple occasions and other sillyness :D

Thanks! I think the next video is about breaking a leg. :)

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Haha, great movie man! Let's hope this affects the developers minds.

Thank you!

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This was an enjoyable watch! Well-made!

It would have been funny to include the infamous Alt+F4 or Thunderdome ^_^

I like that I got the "direct chat" joke with that music. Damn bandits!

Glad you got the direct chat bit! :) I like the Alt+F4 idea. Hopefully they don't take it out before we can make a vid about it :)

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Did anyone else notice that the sub-machinegun sound was from Half-Life 2? Am I mistaken?

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great work!

now back to banning teleporters ><

What's up F4II3N! I think I play on your server, US199 right? I play with my friend Smopy, who I think you know. Thanks for checking out the vid.

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Did anyone else notice that the sub-machinegun sound was from Half-Life 2? Am I mistaken?

It's very possible it is. I don't have access to all the game sounds so we have to make due with some of the stuff we have.

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What's up F4II3N! I think I play on your server, US199 right? I play with my friend Smopy, who I think you know. Thanks for checking out the vid.

Yeah man! its me and wow love the vids.... also WHERE THE HELL ARE U GUYS? johhny has been pestering me for like a week about smopy and you and where you have gone. Johnny has moved to a diff camp area I think his got compromised but your stuff should still be there just touch base with him when next ya play to see where the new one is.

Again your guys are always welcome on Teamspeak.

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Yeah man! its me and wow love the vids.... also WHERE THE HELL ARE U GUYS? johhny has been pestering me for like a week about smopy and you and where you have gone. Johnny has moved to a diff camp area I think his got compromised but your stuff should still be there just touch base with him when next ya play to see where the new one is.

Again your guys are always welcome on Teamspeak.

Thanks brother! Much appreciated! I've been busy with work, and then making the DayZ videos. Trying to get on to play right now tho :)

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Hahahahaha! I could watch these all day. F'n classic!

Thanks man. We're going to keep making them.

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glad johnny didnt crash the heli after throwing me under it earlier... god that night was a wreck. Nice vids btw, watched them before i knew you played with us in the server

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glad johnny didnt crash the heli after throwing me under it earlier... god that night was a wreck. Nice vids btw, watched them before i knew you played with us in the server

Yah last night was pretty crazy. To many damn people yelling on TeamSpeak! Are you the guy I got the AWS from under the helicopter? Haha.

And thanks for watching the vids!

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Yah last night was pretty crazy. To many damn people yelling on TeamSpeak! Are you the guy I got the AWS from under the helicopter? Haha.

And thanks for watching the vids!

yeah i am ahaha and no probs, they have been very good thus far!

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yeah i am ahaha and no probs, they have been very good thus far!

Nice. Was just on the server tonight. Will be on more now.
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yeah we def need to have smaller ops 12 ppl in TS all trying to be heard is a little slice of hell for me. Though in our defense we did have a freakin helicopter!

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yeah we def need to have smaller ops 12 ppl in TS all trying to be heard is a little slice of hell for me. Though in our defense we did have a freakin helicopter!

Yah it gets to be a little much when 10 people are talking at once. But yes I can understand why every one would want to be on for the helicopter ride. Today was fun tho :)

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