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Become A Zombie

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When hit by a zombie, you have a chance to turn into one. Then you have to blend in with other npc zombies, and eat player brains to survive. Break a leg? No problem... eat one. Low stamina, eat a heart. Headache...well you get the idea.

Edited by Klorox
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If killed by zombies, you should have an option to turn into a zombie. But, to insure no one is just getting killed by zombies to be a zombie, your character has to have atleast 6 hours of gameplay on him. Would be cool to see packs of zombies lurking the forests. But, you only get infected when killed, as to not have OP player-zombies infecting everyone.

God, you're making me brainstorm now...

- Stated info above..

- Need to feed, just like humans, can eat wildlife.

- Can't go near the coast, make a off-limits border or something (To stop spawn killing/attacking)

- They have a zombie-survivor skin.

- More..?

This coul be a cool idea, if easily implemented.

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While it sounds like it would be a great idea, there are too many ways too abuse this between friends. Say your clan wants to scope out an area, they send in their buddy who is a zombie and takes away all risk.

That being said if the dayz team could find a way to circumvent this from happenning then by all means, I just see too big a window for abuse of this mechanic.

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I'd go so far as to say that anyone should be able to spawn as a zombie upon character creation. A zombie's life expectancy is incredibly limited already, of course. Maybe their hunger drains a lot faster and they have to feed on corpses or die (allow them to catch and eat wild animals too).

It's not like they'd have superpowers. They'd actually be at a disadvantage except that other zombies don't attack them. But they can't use guns, so what's the big deal? This is a cool idea.

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While it sounds like it would be a great idea, there are too many ways too abuse this between friends. Say your clan wants to scope out an area, they send in their buddy who is a zombie and takes away all risk.

That being said if the dayz team could find a way to circumvent this from happenning then by all means, I just see too big a window for abuse of this mechanic.

There is already an exploit like that, look at a town, if it has zombie spawns, people are in it. It would be a really cool alternative to death, like...

*You are dead*

"Oh, well, atleast I get to run around as a zombie and eat people"

It does ofcourse have flaws, since it was just suggested, but kinks can be worked out.

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Ive been thinking of this for a while too. I think the option to turn into a Z based how long u were alive is a very good idea (maybe 3 hrs thou)

And if they were identical to NPC zombies i have a few ideas on how to make them fair for players too avoid them like normal.

1. zombies only see in grey scale (black n white)

2. they can only move at zombie idle speed untill a player comes into range, maybe they get a blood lust and can then run with an audio que "moan" so the surviver knows they just got "agro" from a player zombie ..... maybe if the zombie hears shots fired it can get the run buff from further away??? (like agro range of NPC zombies)

3. still no running inside for player zombies (walking only)

4. Zombie players need to feed at the same rate as survivers. (corpses, animals and ppl)

Now whats fun about being a zombie, I got this idea form the post about "zombie hords"

1. maybe a player zombie has a "moan" to rally other zombies into a group (60 sec cooldown maybe)

2. can regain health from corpses u didnt kill urself

3. No-one can tell ur a player!!! (unless they spot the "moaner" )

4. can move using all 3 zombie animations, walking, crawling, and leg draging

So it could play out like this... you enter a town and already see zombies so u know somone is here, but you wont know if its a surviver or a zombie player. You listen for the moaner and hear nothing. The zombie player spots u far off and starts casualy wondering in ur direction trying not to be to obviouse (he cant run at range) You do ur normal looting while the player zombie avoids entering the house you are in. When u exit the zombie player gets the bloodlust speed and lets out the moan drawing in more zombies. If u can run out of range or kite them around ur ok (you can lose them) but when u turn around to pick off the Z player the mob has closed in and u cant tell which one to shoot now.

So its up to the Z player to use the mob for cover, maybe rally enough to block off a door way. But they still cant just run inside, upstairs with tones of Z's and own u (there still slow inside) they dont have weapons and do little solo damage. Even if they camp newbie spawns, somone has to spawn in the 30m range b4 they can chase them. If they rally other Z's u can hear it. Zombies use ur mobs to hide in and dont look suscpiouse.

Would be rly kool to come across town or an open field to see a hord of zombies shambling along slow waiting for somone to get in range.

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Why can't the player zombie move at full speed? Zombies can charge from 200m away as long as they can see/hear you first, so why put artificial limits on them?

The moan ability is really cool, though. I dig that.

I could see the player zombie as a sort of suicidal zombie commander with the ability to spot players from far away, attack, and create bottlenecks to screw with survivors. No ability to collect loot, hunger drains faster, and feeding on human and animal corpses to keep hunger up. Maybe no thirst or temperature or humanity meter. Just a big raging ball of hunger looking for survivors to attack.

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I don't like the idea of playing AS a zombie, but dead players coming back as zombies and walking around with equipment, now that would be awesome. Think of it, you see a zombie with a backpack on, it's like a mobile goldmine. Right now, players have no reason to engage zombies until they become aggravated, but seeing a zombie walking about with a backpack - that adds a whole new level to things. It'd be very interesting to see.

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i just ment player zombies cant go runing after somone from across the map .... if none is in normal NPC agro range ur stuck at the idle speed like every other zombie in the game is all. (50m - 200m i have no idea what the range should be that would allow them to start chasing u rly fast)

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As others have said there could be abuse of this. I think it'd be fun ti just watch your character as a zombie and have no control over them.

Maybe some limited control such as looking around to help agro your character but that's it.

Edited by Zymi

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I don't like the idea of playing AS a zombie, but dead players coming back as zombies and walking around with equipment, now that would be awesome. Think of it, you see a zombie with a backpack on, it's like a mobile goldmine. Right now, players have no reason to engage zombies until they become aggravated, but seeing a zombie walking about with a backpack - that adds a whole new level to things. It'd be very interesting to see.

Great idea. Maybe some limited control as stated by some above. More powerful control the longer you have survived with the latent "virus" in you system. Or give us control but we spawn as different types based on how long it's been in our system. Player spys would not be as big an issue if we keep our backpack and such, gear would help player zombies stand out.

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So what happens when every DayZ player is infected..?

The world is overrun by zombies. Zombie clans are born. Zombies against zombies, vying for zombie domination. We could start zombie families, and have zombie children. Zombie dogs are a given.

Edited by Klorox

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I'd like to see the player's character become a zombie (provided you haven't sucked up a bullet to the head or become the full course meal of 5-10 zombies). But it happens without your control; while still being able to see through your perspective and while the game is loading when you respawn.

Sure that's a long shot to load the starting area while you're still limping and groaning about, but it still would be pretty awesome to not have to watch "Loading" for a full 10 minutes.

Then the player's character could just become another walking, or sporadic sprinting sack of shit for someone else to shoot/loot.

Edited by PhantomHunta

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Thx everyone for not ragen meh >.< and must give the cread to the original poster for giving me the guts to say it.

I was thinking about the whole "spy zombie" thing that people said might happen. Which was what made me think about slowing down the plaer zombies untill idle speed untill they get in "agro" range of other players. Also when they do get the speed agro if they get close, the moan becaoms an "auto que" to let ppl know the player zombie is onto them. (maybe the moan goes off every 60 seconds on its own when they rage???)

So if ur party/clan want a pet zombie go for it, its a great idea!!! but dont forget if hes close enough to u to keep up when traveling (in speed range to run with u) the zombie player is going to draw in every zombie u pass with the auto que moan that goes off when hes in run mode. And if u send him out ahead hes going to be sooooo slow :(

I think the zombie spy would work best when ur clan descided they needed a zombie spy in a certian area .... they send a player in to suicide who will be then become the zombie for a short while. (He is executed by his friends once his job is done)

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