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Wartime on Colorado US 1450. [Story]

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To the group of players on Colorado US 1450, thanks for the fucking awesome time. Me (permaphrost), Matt, and Alexis were up near Pustoshka after running north looking for supplies and stuff. I had a pistol, alexis had a hatchet, and matt had an m4a3 cco that we found in a deer stand. I was the most experienced one of us, and I was pretty much leading us around town to town collecting supplies and weaponry.

There was a guy in a helicopter flying around occasionally. We kept prone thinking he didn't see us.

I then heard a car coming down the road from the direction of Vybor. So we all get down and lay in this field as I'm watching these guys park their car in some bushes. Matt thinks that the helicopter guy is looking for us, or maybe looking for the guys in the car. I say it's probably an organized group. I tell my friends I really want to go over there and jack that car, but we decide to use our better judgement and wait it out. My friends couldn't see the car but I kept assuring them it was there. I see one, then two, then three, and then a fourth guy come out of the car and start heading into pustoshka. My friend couldn't see any of this going on because (I assume) they were playing in first person.

We waited a couple more minutes laying down in the grass and a guy came over and was slowly walking around as if he was looking for us or something. I tell my friends over vent "SHOOT HIM, SHOOT HIM NOW!" and matt was like "I don't see anyone!" So I told him to stand up and shoot the guy. He got up to a crouch and shot the guy dead with one shot to the head (Sorry xxoneshotxx or whatever your name was). I ran over and quickly looted his body, taking his ak74 kobra and some ammo. We get back down in the grass and crawl slowly over to the barn northeast of pustoshka. We wait there for a bit, cook some meat and heal up. Matt watches the road and tells me that the car just drove off in the direction of Pustoshka. So we start running to the little bridge area north of Pustoshka and I tell them "Hey, since the car came from this direction, chances are it will be coming back this way.

So we take up positions at the bridge and wait a couple of minutes. I notice a lake to the west and decide to go fill up my water bottle. As I do that, the helicopter guy comes flying back and he starts to land. So I run over and he takes off again before I get there. We go back to the bridge and hide under it. I then hear the car coming back up the road driving hella fast. I crouch besides one of the low brick walls of the bridge, and as the car comes into view I stand up, turn the aks on full auto, and spray the shit out of the car. The driver dies almost immediately, another guy falls out of the car unconscious, and a third jumps out and tries to aim at me. I fill him with lead immediately and he dies. As this is all going on, zombies swarm us because of the sound of the car and all the gunfire.

It gets pretty frantic as we're fighting off the zombies (Alexis hacking them with her hatchet, matt shooting with his gun, and me methodically helping to take them out). As we're in the midst of it, I notice the guy who was unconscious get back up and start aiming at me, so I take him out immediately. I go and loot him real quick and take his L85 AWS. I scream over vent for everyone to get in the car quickly because the zombies are all dead, but I hear the helicopter coming back.

As everyone fumbles to get in, the helicopter swings around and I notice he has two gunners. They start shooting at us as I peel off down the road towards pustoshka. We weave in and around the buildings until eventually we get turned around and are heading back towards Vybor. The helicopter is chasing us the whole way. Thankfully the gunners weren't too great. About halfway to Vybor they manage to shoot out our tire or something. I dunno. Our car just stopped. So I quickly told everyone to get out. I jumped out and ran into some bushes on the side of the road. My team wasn't as quick and they ended up getting destroyed by the helicopter gunners. The helicopter hovered there for a while. I stood up and started shooting at the right-side gunner. I managed to hit him and make him bleed. The helicopter started turning and I was in a firefight with the other gunner. I managed to kill him (Sorry Mapleleaf_Medic) and then the helicopter sped off to refuel or something. My team was dead besides the now wheelless car, so I buried their bodies and then chucked a grenade at the car, destroying it. If we couldn't have it, nobody could. I started making my way back to our camp to stash the two new guns I got. I was the only survivor of this little war.

This was by far the most awesome experience I've had in DayZ to date. It felt like we were in the middle of a freaking war man. So intense.

Names I can remember: Mapleleaf medic, oneshot, abraham hatchetman (i think), Owntmeal, and danredda (the helicopter pilot).

I've put in over 300 hours playing this game solo, but it wasn't until I started playing with friends that things got interesting. For all you lone wolfers, I highly suggest to get some friends to play with.

I fraps'd the first part of my story where matt killed the guy in the field, but I forgot to turn it on for the rest of it because it was so damn intense. I wish I had though. My heart was beating so fast.

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Cool story, things like this is what makes DayZ so great. Me personally (I know I'm going to have some haters) have turned to banditory. I like to call myself a Mercenary not a bandit because killing zombies is fun but having the adrenaline of hunting a man, chasing him down from across the map. Nothing is better than that until you get the kill. I don't do it to loot (which some will say is even more of a douche move) but I already have every piece of gear I could want and a stash when and if I die so no need.

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I am the admin of the Colorado server, that is actually my group that engaged you :) Haha it wasn't really a "planned" attack they just kind of winged it and that's what happened. Awesome story though! I got some good laughs out of it! I personally wasn't in this fight!

If you want to chat with the people that you attacked you or join up with us. You can join my teamspeak. The IP address is www.theprogamers.com

Thanks for playing!


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Awesome write up about the epic firefight we had :D. I was the driver of the car and no we didn't have any plans of hunting people; I don't even remember what we were doing to be completely honest. As we were coming in to Vybor, the helicopter pilot reported he had spotted zombies in and around Pustoshka, so we changed from whatever we were doing and decided to check it out. We confirmed the zombie spawns and two of us with sniper rifles spread in to the bushes to provide them over watch. We heard shots fired soon after but couldn't pinpoint the location, and after several minutes, we decided to leave. That's when the helicopter pilot came back to pick up Mapleleaf_Medic and touch down to grab him. As we were leaving, and as I hit the gas on full to get over the bridge and out of there, I said over comms, "Oh look! A survivor," just as you popped up. Right after I said those words I was blapped in the face and flew out of the car LOL. Then that's when the rest of the story proceeded. Yeah, a bunch of us aren't too good with the helicopter guns, being as we haven't had much experience in the helicopter ;)

But as dizzy said, feel more than free to hop on and chat or we can keep on shooting each other in a friendly war :)

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