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Recruiting More Players!!!

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We are a growing team of currently 6 players looking to increase our numbers.

We are a US based team

We vary in different playstyles

We use a chat sytem called Dolby axon. 5min download and great Quality



Questions (must be answered in post below)

1. What is your age?

2. Favorite Wep in game? (ex: AKM,M1014,DNR)

3. Prefered roll to play on the team such as CQC, sniper, spotter exc?

4. Why should we chose you over others?

5. What is your current wep?


Post skype ID below and we will contact you if we want you on the team.

Edited by paintball2x1

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1. 15

2. AS50

3. Sniper

4.i am a great sniper for your clan i actually had Arma 2 for 3 months before getting day z and all i did was snipe that's show i got so good at it. i am mature for my age and i could really help you out if you need a sniper.

Skype: mikewiwi

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1. 16

2. m16

3. mid range not to close or far but can handle my self at any range

4. I have probly played arma then most others in dayz playing it since arma2 first came out plus i ahve a server you guys can call home

5. m16

skype i rather not post publicly only to you guys privately

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Sorry hit submit on accident....


Akm or dmr or m16

Can play any role.

Looking for mature players to play with.

My Skype is psycovindorz

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1. What is your age?


2. Favorite Wep in game? (ex: AKM,M1014,DNR)


3. Prefered roll to play on the team such as CQC, sniper, spotter exc?


4. Why should we chose you over others?

Chill, mature dude who just wants a serious group of guys to party with in chernarus

5. What is your current wep?


skype name is "Jesse Hendley"

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