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No more artifacts?

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So today I decided to play some DayZ. I was near Stary Sober aka 2nd home for artifacts. I searched around for any Heli Crashes as I had luck with finding 2 near each other last day. Then I saw 2 tents on the hill to the right of Stary Sober. As I went there I noticed...No Artifacts? I went near the tents and saw the bodies aka the source of artifacts clearly with no graphical bugs. What happened? was there a fix? I DID NOT install or rollback anything. I logged out and tried 2 more servers and none had the artifacts. So yeah.

Sincerely, Wtf happened?

Edited by IAnon

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Usually if I log in close enough to the source of the artifacts (same town or so) they won't appear, otherwise it takes a flush command + complete game restart to access any of the areas.As far as I know though, the artifacts are still causing problems in the game. I was close to the International (NW) Airfield earlier today, but was greeted with a giant wall of green.

Decided that a high probability of getting sniped in the face wasn't worth the client restart >.>

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