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Will the standalone have the same map?

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I was just reading a thread about trains in DayZ. (No, seriously. I was.)

And someone said that trains were a good idea if it was on a large map with a complex rail system, so I thought: "Hmm, will there be new map(s)? Or will we always use the current Chernarus map? Or some mix of the two, such as using the standard 225km map and then as time goes along new areas are developed?

Just a question, not sure if this has been answered before or not, and if not, post your ideas/suggestions/input/rages. :)

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225 km2 is too smalll for me. a 1000km2 map would be beast

and would take 3 years to create

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Id get super keen for a bigger map. I mean the current one is big.

But imagine bigger! Hidden villages in valleys! Underground bunkers in an old wore torn battlefield!

God I'm keen!

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Yeah, put together some maps and make big ass map of it. That would be sweet.

And introduce some real terrain, not the flat-as-a-pancake landscape which is Chernarus. Deep valleys, dense forests, lakes - not shallow ponds, rivers, ... it should not be possible to run in a straight line across the map!

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Bigger map with the same amount of players wouldn't be that great...

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