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tomv8 (DayZ)

my first encounter with a hacker - excited but upset :(

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so me and my friend in a toyota offroad chillin at end of road near kamenka we started making a campfire crucifix :3. when i hear a gunshot AMFG AS50 GUY RIGHT NEXT TO US. so we get in a car start driving away. he teleports us constantly to him im like 'please dude just let us off please we worked hard for this car and our stuff' he stops for 30 seconds then starts teleporting about 50 metres infront of me and starts shooting me in the windshield :'( he kept doing this over and over i cry. he then teleports me on the sandy bit im like 'stoooopppp qq' and i dced.. it was very adrenaline pumping but im upset about the car. ;( first encoutner with a hacker in 55 hours

i tried getting his name ;(

server was gb #500 (the one that ends in pauls server)

im so upset about the vehicle but im fine with being alive with my m20 something saw and ghillie :3

it was kinda fun i suppose. dodging his bullets :\

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weve got video proof!! he just started talking and spawned a vehicle infront of us!

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wandam! weve got video proof! his name is wandam!! hes not english.

omfg 2nd hacker just appeared. we dont know the seconds name tho!

Edited by tomv8

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neymor wandam jasper.

all three have other 100 ping. only 3 on server other than us

Edited by tomv8

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please move this to accusations or something. friend will be uploading video soon :)

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Just a little excited, are we?

All I can say is: play on a different server and hope there isn't anymore kids who think they are cool.(Hackers)

Also- Pro Tip: Disconnect whenever something obviously hacked happens, such as "Welcome to the THUNDERDOME" or "Welcome to MORTAL KOMBAT"


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Just a little excited, are we?

All I can say is: play on a different server and hope there isn't anymore kids who think they are cool.(Hackers)

Also- Pro Tip: Disconnect whenever something obviously hacked happens, such as "Welcome to the THUNDERDOME" or "Welcome to MORTAL KOMBAT"


im in lobby with em now. im not joining.

on this server i have 4 cars ;(!!

theyve ruined my precious vehicle!!! -.- they gave my friend nvgs (he refused so they forced him to equip) so i told him to instant alt+f4 so they vanish

this is first hackers vie seen, course im excited it was fun ;s

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