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Radeon HD6950 2gig low fps?

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Intel Core i7 2.8GHz

GTX570 @ 800/1600/2000MHz

8GB ram

Win 7 64 bit

With some tweaking I can run this with 50-70fps in the woods, 35-45 in smaller towns and 25-30 in the middle of elektro/cherno with everything still looking decent. The server however does matter a lot when it comes to fps, typically servers with 40+ people will have worse performance.

Everything on high, including AA. Postprocessing off. 1920x1080 resolution. vsync off. ATOC at trees only, FXAA on low (cant see a difference from low to high). HDR on normal.

Go to your ArmA2OA.cfg in C:\Users\"profile name"\Documents\ArmA 2, and change the following values to:






And put these in launch options at steam or sixlauncher:

-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz -world=empty -winxp

Edited by Fryseboks
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  On 8/8/2012 at 3:02 AM, painfulleap1 said:

The low fps is most likely due to the cpu, ram, and even the HDD that it is installed on.

My suggestions

first, Defrag the HDD it will help a lot.

two how much ram do you have? have you allocated enough to arma 2 via startup parameters

three open up CCC and set gaming>3d applications to default.

four download and install MSI afterburner, consider overclocking your gpu as well as using it to monitor temperature, gpu usage, and clock speeds.

five consider doing some upgrades. pick and choose the battles here, a new mother board and cpu can run you a little bit depending on architecture. something like this isn't way over priced and could offer quite the boost, http://www.ncix.com/products/?sku=71249&vpn=BX80637I53570K%26Z77X-UD3H&manufacture=Others&promoid=1145 of course spending little more can get you set up for a longer run of no upgrading.

six: think about trying out a crossfire gpu set up. However it is more likely your cpu is and motherboard are causing the bottleneck.

I am currently running a xfx 6950 crossfire with i7 3770k and a p8x77 v deluxe board, 16gb mushkin enhanced frostbyte ram.

Who knows maybe you want to build a brand new computer if you got the money and feel you need an upgrade, a gaming rig can still be reasonably priced if you build it yourself. might be something to look into.


My system is totally fresh so no need fr defrag. I only have 4gig ram though and I don't know how much Arma uses. Don't think it's my cpu though, might be the ram.

Edited by Secutor

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Thanks a lot for all aswers. It seems like my system should be able to run this game on mostly very high but most of the bad things is in Dayz.

As I wrote earlier. If someone overclocked their HD6950 I would appriciate if you told me what parameters you changed and to what value. I tried it but Dayz froze after 10 min and I try to stay away from flashing the bios and turn it into a HD6970 cause of the risk of bricking it.

Btw I use afterburner for clocking, kombustion and 3dmark 11 for benchmark.

Edited by Secutor

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