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Tents. Guidelines?

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Are there any specific tent placing guidelines, because the '3x3' radius and the area being flat doesn't seem to help me choosing a spot. I can't place a tent ANYWHERE.

Also, are tents not allowed in forests? Cause I can't seem to place a tent in there either, when realistically you could... and would...

Collecting the evidence.

These are perfectly legit spots to place a tent, why can't i place a damn tent here?

More evidence.

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My friend and I are having the exact same problem. Seems a few others are too.

Any info on this people?

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Tents are 'bugged' in this patch, wait for the next one.

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Hurr, let me try place a tent in the middle of this field...

Nope, not flat enough, or too many objects around...

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