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despair (DayZ)

What engine will the standalone be?

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No information has been released.

You can expect information to be released after september or maybe even until christmas.

So, with saying that the officials have nothing announced, I'm going to GUESS that it's the ArmA 3 engine. Improved lighting, detachable scopes, underwater environments

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'More infos to come' they say... we all want to know :)

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No information has been released.

You can expect information to be released after september or maybe even until christmas.

So, with saying that the officials have nothing announced, I'm going to GUESS that it's the ArmA 3 engine. Improved lighting, detachable scopes, underwater environments

Yeah let's hope it's not as bad as the ArmA2 engine, and they fix the FPS issue.

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Bohemia is going to be at GamesCom next week. You can bet your ass they will have PLENTY to say about the new project then...

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Should be quake 3 engine since we want this game to be Free For All Deathmatch.

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That'd be a nice, and true post for the fact that ArmA 2 does run on a different ENGINE than ArmA 3. The definition of Engine is the coding framework it has to work with. So the ArmA 3 engine is just as viable as the Real Real Virtuality 4 engine.

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But there will be some changes to playability brought on by the move from mod to game. Rebuilding from the ground up with the latest version of Bohemia's Real Virtuality engine (which was shown to great effect powering ArmA III at this year's E3) will also allow the standalone DayZ to have more diffuse nighttime lighting, rather than the practically unplayable near-pitch-blackness of the current mod.


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I'm gonna guess a modified arma 3 that allows, for a larger custom skin database

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