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Forrest Fire DE1224 (21:30 server time)

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So I'm wondering if this is a hack or if some people have just been having fun with some explosives.

I happened to be in the area of Krutoy Cap on DE1224 when I saw some massive flames just around the bluff. I must have just missed it because I was actually making my way back to my body (fell down a cliff in the dark). I had only just walked by there before falling.

Anyway I'm curious as to what's going on. If it's still going and someone can explain how to take screen shots I'll upload some.

It really is a massive fire, but no where near a city or town.


Annoyingly I have just noticed I double tapped the R in the thread title. Typo mistake.

Edited by hds02115

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Just tried to log back in to find the server missing now from my list. Hmm, maybe a hack then, or lagging the server too much.

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