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looking for a new friend...

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im 16, and have been playing for about 2 weeks now, im not saying im pro but im definitely good at the game by now.

if if anybody wants to team up message me on skype: mrcouchpotato93

id rather you bee around the same age group but whatever.

im a survivor not a bandit, and i am in the middle of the forest near Elektro. i have 3 blood bags and am in need of a transfusion ASAP.

i have an M4A1 with 3 clips, binoculars, a watch, a few morphine injectors, but no food... im about to starve...

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I'm kind of a noob but I am also 16 and on the coast. All I have is a Winchester for now but we can scavenge together if you want.

Skype: thesolidm

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Tip: When you're looking for people to group up with, don't post what items you have on you. Some people just want your stuff.

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