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IMF2000 (DayZ)

UK 172 - DayZ Veterans - Free Vehicles

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Tonight (07/08/2012 Time: 23:30) we are aiming to give away the following vehicles to groups on UK 172:

- Bus

- HiLux

- Red Lada

Basically we would like to share them out with groups who will make our server their home.

We would like these to go to organised friendly or neutral groups of 4 or more players.

We will give all 3 away to a large organised group or alternatively split and give to 3 groups of 3/4 etc.

Register your interest below and we will select at random.

If we don't get the right interest below, we will probably abandon these vehicles in Chernarus fuelled and ready to go (tonight) and it is down to you to secure them first.


There is no catch. We would like you to continue to play on UK 172, make it your home. You will be allowed to take the vehicles away and will not be hunted (by us) for them. We really don't want them back.

Note our server is Hardcore (Expert), No Crosshair, No 3rd person etc.

We have already given one bus away.


Edited by IMF2000

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good luck on your server, i enjoy servers without 3rth person so i would like to see your playlist peak above 30players in order for me to be fully able to enjoy stealing players gear.

Edited by unknownuser

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I have a group of 3 players in berezino looking for a vehicle, we will like to have the lada because it have 5 seats if its possible yet...

Edited by JungleOfficer

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Okay this event was awesome!

I went in there as a newly spawned (Spawned in Otmel about 40 minutes before the event)

On the way I didn't find any weapons at all, just ammo and food. In cherno I found an AKM with no mags but I found one earlier. Also found a G17 in one of the pubs later. So armed with AKM with 1 mag and G17 with 2 I go into the center of cherno

Anyway. I'm sneaking my way through Cherno and it sounds like new years eve. A lot of shootings but I didn't really find anyone until the Vehicles drives by me (I was only about 200 meter from where they stopped, lucky me)

I check the harbor area and takes 3-4 shots at a guy in a ghillie and he drops behind some rubble but isn't dead (I think only 1-2 hit in the torso). There is way too many zombies closing in to my spot to kill him so I make my way around a few buildings, expecting to find players zerg the area by now. But I didn't see anyone so after flanking the buildings I found the cars (I assume I was the first one there since I hadn't heard any engine sounds for a while) so I do a quick 360 check then I take the White off-road pickup and Off I go.

But as I was taking the car north It felt lame that I didn't get anything except for a car from this event. My main plan was to practice large scale pvp and maybe get some upgrades. So I leave the car just north of the medium yield barns at Vysota. And head back into Cherno

Not much happening there. I hear some gunfire but I couldn't find the shooters. I sneak around for a bit but the time goes and I decide I should just head out of Cherno and get the car out of the south. On the way out I find two dead players. aZk and Joass (something like that). aZk had just standard gear, nothing fancy. But Joass had a ghillie (could be the guy I shot at earlier) and that guy was packed. He had M4 SD, M9 SD, Rangefinder, NVG, GPS, you name it. And also another set of ghillie and camo clothing. So yeah after looting him quickly (I got quite stressed over all the high tier gear that I screwed up the bag swapping so I still got the starter bag =/)

On the way out of cherno I think someone fired at me, I'm not sure 100% but it felt like it because it was a single shot from a sniper when I was crossing the road after staying hidden a while.

Anyway Thanks a lot for the awesome event. I'm satisfied of my spoils of war =D. Just need to talk the rest of my squad of starting here now that we got a pretty good start.

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Ye sounds like it was a great event, unfortunately I didn't make it to the party but from what I heard Cherno was very lively :D

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Hi guys, message to the admins me and a friend got killed by hackers on you server tonight at about 9.00pm Uk time.We got shot out in the open in a field by the green mountain and the shots came from the direction of the green mountain.

I managed to hide behind a truck that would have shielded me from them but was still killed with no one in sight and then I respawned and was killed on the beach instantly.

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Hello, me and 3 of my friends were just playing on you server. We were at the small hill near Vybor when suddenly we heard silenced shots. So that meant someone was very near. We scattered but couldn't find anyone. At some point I think I saw the guy. He was wearing a Ghille suit like everyone in our group. He didn't shoot at me and I didn't shoot at him because I wasn't sure if it was anyone of my mates. After checking with them I knew it was a enemy and not any of my mates. So I went where I saw him but couldn't find him. We then decided to move away from the hill. About 50meters away from the hill we kept checking if we saw him. Then we decided to move a bit further when some of us heard silenced shots again. But still we couldn't see anyone. Then we decided to get away completely. While moving away we heard sniper shots getting fired at us. We sprinted over the field and one of us got shot down. At a small tree line we stopped and checked for the attacker. He was running towards the corpse of our mate. We shot at him but he began crawling and then logging out. About 10seconds later one of us got shot at from behind.

But that was basically impossible. Even if the guy logged out went on another server, moved and relogged on our server he couldn't have been fast enough. From that point we were sure it was a hacker. My friend who got shot at logged out and the last mate and me waited for the attacker to return. We moved somewhere else so he couldn't know where we were. I checked everywhere but did not see anyone. Until suddenly I saw someone behind a small house with a Ghillie suit. I checked with my mate and he said it can't be him because he was lying on the ground. I then shot 2 shots with my sniper and saw that both hitted. My mate checked and confirmed that he was dead. He had his Ghille but only a Revolver and a Crossbow.

We think he was a hacker teleporting around and hacking in weapons. Maybe you can check it, his name was pKchoo-1.

sorry for the long text and my english.

edit: Time was around 8:45 to 9:20 (ingame time)

Edited by Valicious

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What's wrong with the server? It hasn't been online for about one week.. is it down for good?

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